I spy

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~ Eleven POV ~

Me and Max sat on the bed with the board we just made with the names on it. I had placed a glass bottle in the middle as Max had already grabbed a old bandana I could use as blindfold. "You ready?" Max smirks as she meets my eyes. I nod as I felt excited but nervous. "Ready." I smirk. "You can spin the bottle." I smile as I look at Max. "You sure?" She asks as she looks at the glass bottle. I nod as I look at the bottle with anticipation. "Alright, let's see who our victim will be." Max jokes as she spins the bottle around in the middle of the board. The glass slowed down as me and Max were waiting impatiently for it to stop. When the bottle finally came to a halt we read the name out loud. "Robin." We say at the same time with a smirk. "Oeh, this could be interesting." Max smirks as she scoots closer to me on the bed. She had a small radio with static noise placed on the bed as she helps me put on the blindfold. "Tell me everything you see alright?" Max smiles. I nod as she puts on my blindfold. "Can you see anything?" Max asks as she ties the blindfold behind my head. "No, nothing. It's perfect." I state. Suddenly I felt softly lips on mine as Max planted a kiss on my lips. I smile instantly. She pulls away and chuckles softly. "A goodlucks kiss, you know, for encouragement." Max chuckles softly. "I think I need a little more encouragement." I smirk softly as I couldn't see a thing with my blindfold on. Max presses her wet lips on mine again and kisses me more passionately this time. Leaving the wet feeling of her lips on mine. "Goodluck baby." She says softly with a slight raspy voice. It made me feel all fluttery. I smile as i get ready to concentrate. "You look hot with that blindfold on." She says softly as I try to concentrate. It made me giggle softly as I got distracted. "Max." I chuckle softly. "Sorry, shutting up now." She grin as she held my hand gently while I concentrated on Robin and on the static noise.

I quickly arrive in the all to familiar black void. I look around me to find any sign of Robin. I heard laughter behind me as I turn around and saw Robin and Steve in the Wheelers their house Laughing about something Eddie just said. I tell Max everything I see in detail out loud, so she knows what's going on.

~ What Eleven sees ~

Robin and Steve are in the basement with Eddie and all the boys. Steve was weirdly close and interested in Eddie and his DND game. The boys were all focused on the game and thinking about strategies, although Will and Mike seemed a bit distracted by each other, but nothing too noticeable. Robin was staring at the group with bored eyes as she didn't understand anything what was going on. There was a sound to be heard on the stairs, someone was walking down to the basement. Robin looked at the stairs as she was the only one not paying attention to the game. It was Nancy who came downstairs. "I thought I heard some familiar voices." Nancy smiles as she looks at Robin who was now staring at Nancy. "Hey Nance." Robin smiles as fumbles with the sleeve of her jacket. "Hey Nance! Wanna stay and join?" Steve asks as be waves to Nancy. Nancy chuckles as she shook her head. "No thanks, I have a story to write upstairs. Just wanted to say hi." Nancy smiles to Steve as he nods and smiles back. "Goodluck with that, I'm sure it'll be great, like always." He says kindly. "Thanks Steve." She smiles as she meets Robin her eyes again. "Not enjoying yourself between all these boys?" Nancy giggles. Robin seems nervous since she spoke twice as fast then normal. "Yeah, well I have nowhere else to really go and I'm already bored to death so I thought I'd join Steve, but he seems a bit to busy with mister curly hair and tattoos over there and I'm just standing here, trying to enjoy myself, but I can't, since I have no idea what they are talking about and I didn't want to bother you so-" Robin rambles as she looks at Nancy. Nancy giggles softly as she stares at a rambling Robin. She interrupts Robin with a chuckle. "Rob, You don't bother me. You can join me upstairs? I'm writing a story for the local paper and listening to some music, if that's not boring to you, feel free to join me." Nancy chuckles. Robin turns a slight red. "Can I?" Robin asks as she looks at Nancy. "Yes, common. It smells like old socks down here." Nancy chuckles as she walks up the stairs again as Robin follows.

~ Eleven follows Robin ~

Nancy walks into her room as their was already some soft music playing. Her room was tidy and organized. Robin follows Nancy into her room as she closes the door behind her to block out the yelling of the boys downstairs. "So what are you working on?" Robin asks as she was inspecting Nancy her room. "A story about woman's rights. I know, how surprising." Nancy chuckles as she sat down on her bed. "Well, I would read it. I think its a important story to tell for all women ." Robin chuckles as she stares at some posters in Nancy her room. "Thanks, although all men would disagree with you." Nancy rolls her eyes slightly. "Well, luckily I'm not a men." Robin chuckles. Nancy meet Robin her eyes as she smiles. "Well sometimes I wish I was. It would make a lot of things way easier. Then man wouldn't think I was so weak and unimportant." Nancy explains as she looks at her notebook on her bed. "Are you kidding me? Nance you are like one of the strongest people I know." Robin says as she sat down opposite of Nancy on the bed. "The strongest people I know are all woman too. You. Max. And don't forget Eleven. She has literal superpowers." Robin chuckles as she looks at Nancy. "I'm not that strong." Nancy chuckles with a smile as she looks at Robin. "Are you kidding? You can shoot a gun better then any men I know. You're such a bad ass and you look good doing it too." Robin states. She turned red by what she just said. Nancy turns a slight red too as she smirks. "Thanks Robin. You're one of the strongest people I know too." She smiles. "Are you kidding? I am a disaster when it comes to- anything." Robin chuckles. "Don't you talk about yourself that way. You're so smart Rob! You literally speak multiple languages, solved a Russian mystery and saved the world while being drugged and beaten up by the Russians. I say you can't get any cooler then that." Nancy explains as she softly nudges Robin. Robin blushes as she looks at Nancy. "You skipped the part were I was laughing, crying and throwing on the floor in the restroom from the starcourt mall with Steve and told him my deepest secret. Yeah can't get cooler then that." Robin chuckles as she looks down at her hands. "Robin." Nancy gently grabs Robin her face as she lifts it up to let her meet her eyes. They both turn red immediately. "You're so cool and amazing and smart. Don't tear yourself down like that." Nancy explains as she looks Robin in her eyes as she still held her face. Robin gulps as her eyes shot to Nancy her lips and back to her eyes. Nancy didn't move as she was just staring into Robin her eyes. Robin suddenly leans in as Nancy quickly pulls back. "Robin I-" Nancy says as Robin quickly pulls away and got off the bed and stands up. "Oh god- I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid- I'm really sorry. Please forget what I just did." Robin rambles as she didn't look at Nancy. "Robin- it's okay. I- " Nancy looks at Robin as Robin nervously walks back and forth. "I shouldn't have done that- I'm really, really sorry. God I always ruin everything." Robin groans in disappointment. "Robin-" Nancy stands up as she looks at Robin. "I- I should go and leave you to your writing, I've caused enough ruckus already." Robin softly says as she turns to the door. "Robin." Nancy says more stern this time as she looks at her. "Again I'm really sorry- please don't tell anyone I did that-I'm gonna shut up and find my way out-" Robin rambles as she shook her head and lays her hand on the door handle to open it. Before she could, Nancy turned Robin around by her waist and gently pushes her against the door so that Robin her back was now against the bedroom door. Her now facing Nancy. Nancy presses her lips on Robin her lips as her hands rest on Robin her waist. Nancy quickly pulls away as she meets Robin her eyes again. "Stay." Nancy softly says as Robin was staring at Nancy. Robin softly nods as her cheeks turn red. "Okay, I will." Robin softly says as she felt her heart pound. "Good. Because I- I like your company." Nancy softly says as they both were still in the same position. "Good." Robin softly says as she blushes. Robin took a leap of faith as she cups Nancy her face and kisses her gently. When she pulls back they meet each-others eyes for a few seconds as Nancy quickly connects their lips again. Pulling Robin with her onto her bed.

I felt my vision get blurry as I was suddenly back into reality. I took of my blindfold as I tried to catch my breath. I wipe away my bloody nose as I look at Max. "Holy shit- no fucking way that we just witnessed that." Max looked at me in disbelief with a smirk on her face. I chuckle as I nod. Seeing them kiss made me want to kiss Max very badly too. I look at her lips as she looks at me. "Dammit I really wish I could have see it. Robin must have been gay panicking all over the place. " Max groans. "I can show you what they did." I smirk as I lean closer to Max. "You can do that with your powers?" Max jokes as a smirk appears on her face. I chuckle. "I don't need powers for that." I smirk as I pin Max down to the bed and kiss her lips passionately.

//AN: Robin was voted on tremendously. Hope you like it ;)

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