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~ Eleven POV ~

It has been 3 hours since Max had left and I felt like I hadn't seen her for weeks. Months even. I missed her like crazy already. It felt like a part of me was gone. I didn't feel whole anymore. I couldn't help, but be sad and distant at home. Everyone tried to distract me or cheer me up. To make me happy with the thought that I'd see her again soon. That I would be able to talk to her on the phone and write her, but that was only part of why I was sad. Yes I was sad that she left and that I miss her so much already. But I was also sad, because I knew she wasn't happy in hawkins. I knew her home situation and how bad she felt there. I just couldn't shake the feeling of her getting back to hawkins and something bad happening. I was scared she would feel sad again. That she would be stuck in that darkness again. I had no way to contact her and ask her if she made it home safe or how she was doing. Everything together just me sad and worried. The things she has been saying and the jokes she made before she left, really worried me.

"El, you can't just stare at her clay figure all day with her shirt in your hands and cry. I know you miss her, but you have to try and live with the fact that she lives in Hawkins and we live here." Will says as he was staring at me, laying on my bed with Max her figure on my night stand as I was staring at it with her striped shirt clamped in my hands. "I can." I softy sniff as I just had been crying. "You can live with that?" Will softly asks with a hopeful smile. "No, I can stare at her figure and cry all day." I mumble as I hide my face in her shirt. Taking in her scent. "Oh El-You will see her again soon. " Will softly says as he was trying to comfort me. "It's not only that Will. You heard what she said to Mike and before she left. She hates living in Hawkins with her mom. She's been in this dark place and told me I was the only one who made her truly happy. She does the same for me, but with her it's different. You heard it yourself. She hates herself, because of that whole home situation and I am scared she will fall back into those bad thoughts when she is back there. I'm not there to help her Will. I don't even know if she made it home safely." I explain with tears in my eyes. Will nods. "hey, hey, I know El. I know. I wish there was a easy way to check up on her- and since her phone doesn't work we can't call. If you only still had your powers- you could have checked up on her and really see how she is doing, but I guess I can try and call Lucas or Dustin and see if they can drive by her house and check in on her." Will suggests. My eyes slightly widen. Ofcourse, my powers. I totally forgot I got my powers back for a moment. Will still didn't know. "What?" Will looks at me confused. "That's a good idea. Could you try and call them and see if they would do that?" I say as I meet his eyes. Will nodded. "Ofcourse. Anything to make you feel better. But don't forget that Max is very strong and she has a amazing supportive girlfriend now. She can take a hit." Will smiles before he leaves my room to go to the phone. I give him a weak smile back as I put the door on 3 inches.

I put on the static radio as I tie Max her shirt around my eyes as a blindfold. I held Max her figure in my hand as I really concentrated on Max. I got greeted by the all to familiar black void. I took a deep breath as I smelled Max her scent from the shirt. I heard something in the distance as I turn around to follow the sound. I saw a bed. Not just a bed. It was Max her bed. I came closer as I then saw Max laying in her bed. A slight smile appears on my face as I saw her again, but that smile quickly faded as I hear her sobbing uncontrollably. She had my shirt in her hands and was crying and talking to herself. She was almost hyperventilating, that's how panicked she was crying. "Max!? Max are you okay? What's wrong?" I ask as she didn't hear me. But I heard her.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone. I was too late-I- " Max sobs.

"Max, what happened? Who shouldn't you have left? What is your fault?" I ask as I tried to make contact with her, but she didn't hear or see me. I saw how she took the figure I made her in her hand as she looks at it and sobs.

So this is love? ~ ElmaxWhere stories live. Discover now