Teach me

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~ Eleven POV ~

I woke up before Max did. I was curled up against her as I held her tight. A smile appears on my face as I look at her. She is my girlfriend now and I am hers. Finally all these feelings and thoughts made sense as they all just connected with her. I wanted to be hers and I wanted her to be mine. Yesterday night when she sat ontop of my I had this weird sensation in my body. I couldn't help it, it felt really good and made me feel all worked up. I don't know why, because I'm still learning. But I don't mind finding out with Max. As the thoughts of yesterday filled my mind again, I felt that weird but good sensation again. It made me want to do it again. The kissing and touching. I looked at the sleeping Max as my eyes travel over her body. My hands slowly wrapping around her waist as I pull her closer to me. My face inches away from hers. I look at her lips as I lick mine. A small smirk appears on Max her lips who clearly woke up. "Enjoying the view?" She whispers as she looks at me, staring at her lips. "Yes. But I like to kiss them even more." I smile as I meet her eyes. She smiles too. "Goodmorning to you too princess." Max giggles softly as she leans in and kisses my lips. A smile formed on my lips as I felt her soft wet lips on mine. She gently cups my face as she kisses me gently. I kissed her back, more passionately as she smiles against my lips.

Suddenly the door flew open. Since it wasn't fully closed we didn't hear it coming either. Please let it be Robin. "Max I swear I'm going to- what the fuck!" We hear Mike shout as he looks at us. We quickly pull away and sit up staring at him. "What the hell is happening here?!" He asks with a loud voice. "Mike- I can explain." I quickly say as I look at Max and back at Mike. "Max was just helping me." I quickly say. Mike looks at me.  " helping you?! With her lips on your mouth!?"  He asks. "Yes, she was showing me how to kiss well. She was teaching me. Friends do that. Right Max?" I lied. I look at Max as her face was blank. "Yeah, right.  excuse me I need to go to the bathroom." She simply says as she moves past me and past Mike to the bathroom. I sigh as I look at Mike. "You know how to kiss El. We did it like- a lot. Remember?" Mike says as he still had smudges of the text from the night before on his face. "Yeah, but you don't understand Mike. Besides I'm not with you anymore. I can do what I want. I make my own rules." I respond as I look at him. "I know, but is kissing Max really what you wanna do? Or did she make you practice with her to make fun of me? I know she hates me." He rolls his eyes. "She doesn't hate you and she didn't make me. Just don't tell anyone, it was just for fun." I say as I look at Mike. He nods. "Right. Girls are weird. Is she a better kisser then me tho?" He asks as he looks at me. "Goodbye Mike." I say as I wave him off. He rolls his eyes and didn't think to much of it, since he didn't understand girls whatsoever or what was going on. "I'll get Max back for the text tho, just she wait." He says before he walks off.

I make my way to the bathroom were Max was as I knock on the door. "Go away." Max softly says. "Max its me." I say as I look at the closed door. "Go away." She says again. I frown as I look at the door and focus on it. I unlock it with my powers as I open it and walk in, closing it behind me. "I said go away El, not walk in." She says with a slight irritated voice. I look at her eyes as I saw that she had been crying. "Max you've been crying. Are you okay?" I ask as I wanted to come closer. "No shit El. Please don't touch me right now." She says as she didn't look at me. I stopped infront of her as I look at her. "What's going on?" I ask with a frown. "I don't know, ask your FRIEND who teaches you how to kiss." Max sniffs with a irritated tone in voice. "Max I didn't mean it-" I explain as I look at her. "Then why did you say it El? Hm? Why couldn't you just tell the truth." Max asks as she meets my eyes with her watery once. I gulp softly. Seeing her hurt, made me feel hurt too. "I don't know- I panicked and I thought maybe he'd hate me." I explain as I meet her eyes. "Yeah well he already hates me, so you really saved your own ass there Eleven. I didn't expect you to say we were making out because we are together right away, but I just hoped that you'd at least say you liked me or something. But I guess I was wrong for thinking that. 'It was just for fun' right?" Max explains as she stood up from the ground. "Max I do like you-" I reply as I look at her with tears forming in my eyes. "I'm going to make breakfast. I'm starving." Max says as she ignores me. "Max-" I follow her with my eyes. "I'll leave some for you. Friend." She mumbles with pain in her voice as she walks out. Tears rolling down my face. I really messed up.

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