I'm here

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~ Eleven POV ~

"Are we there yet?" I ask for the fifth time already. We had been driving for hours in the dark it began to get light outside now. "Not yet El. I'm going as fast as I can. I promise I'll tell you when we are almost there. I think an hour or so to go." Steve says in a calm tone. He knew how worried I was about Max. Will and Mike were still sleeping since they fell asleep in the car. I should have done that as well, but I couldn't. I was too worried about Max. Will is sitting in the middle as he was leaning his head against Mike his shoulder as he was sleeping. Mike his head was leaning against Will his head. They looked pretty cute like that. But I had no time to think about something else then Max. I had this bad feeling about this whole situation. I just wanted to be on time before anything bad happens. But it was a long drive and driving in the dark- was even harder. It was now early in the morning though and driving was a bit easier now. Robin was helping Steve with a map as they figure out the way together. Luckily they drove here too, so it should be fine.

An hour later we saw the familiar sign of 'welcome to Hawkins.' As we drove inside the town. My heart started beating faster as I was moments away of seeing Max again and I didn't knew in what state she was in. We drive up to the trailer park as I didn't see Dustin and Lucas their bikes in-front of Max her door. Did that mean they weren't here anymore? Did that mean they had left Max alone? My palms started sweating as  I get out the car before anyone else does. I ran up to her door as I knock on it, multiple times. No answer. "Max?! It's me. Eleven." I yell outside the door. No answer. I look through the windows but saw nothing. Will and and Mike stepped out the car as they had woken up a few moments ago. They joined me at the door. "Is she home?" Mike asks as he looks through the window. "I don't know, but I need to check." I explain as I look at the door and held my hand in-front of me, opening the door with my powers. I wipe away my bloody nose as I step inside. "Max?" I call out again, but nothing. I got greeted by a mess in the living room. Near the house phone there were shards of broken glass everywhere. The mirror was broken as I saw blood on the ground and on the wall. "Holy shit is that from Max?" Will points out. I felt my heart sink to my stomach as I call out for her as I ran through the whole house, looking in every room. "She's not here." I say panicked as I meet the boys back in the living room. "She also isn't outside. But Eddie, a friend of mine that lives opposite of here, said he saw Lucas and Dustin follow a red head on a skateboard. So she's not alone." Mike points out as I swear I saw Will looking jealous when he mentioned this Eddie. But I didn't care about anything else but Max at them moment. If this really was her blood, she was hurt and I had to find her, before she gets more hurt. I already was too late to prevent this- I didn't wanted to be too late again. "Any idea where she might have gone?" Will asks. Hawkins wasn't very big so she couldn't have gone far. She probably wanted peace and quiet. But she also felt guilty about something. Then where would she go? I thought back about the time I still lived in Hawkins, just after Billy died. Billy- Billy his grave. The graveyard. "I think I might know where Max is."

We all got back in the car as we were now on our way to the graveyard. "Are you sure you don't need to use your powers to see where she is El?" Mike asks as he looks at me. I meet his eyes as I shake my head. "No. I know Max. She is here." I say as I took a deep breath. We arrived as we got greeted by Lucas and Dustin who were looking up a hill. Steve and Robin stayed in the car, since they didn't wanted to crowd her. Mike, Will and I got out the car as Dustin and Lucas turn around. "Will?! El?! What are you two doing in Hawkins?" Dustin says as he hugs us both. "Yeah." Lucas says as he hugs us too. Mike and Will looked at me. "We are here for Max." I simply say as I look up the hill and saw a red head sitting in the grass with her back facing us. Listening to music. I wanted to walk up to her as Lucas quickly pulls me back. "El- you can't. Something happened with her mom, she is very fragile right now. She didn't want anyone around, not even me." He explains as he meets my eyes. I frown slightly as he obviously didn't know that I broke up with Mike and was now together with Max. But I had no time to explain that to him right now. "I know. That's why I'm here." I say as I wanted to walk up to her again. Lucas pulls me back again. "How did you know?- anyway that's not the only thing El. she did something-" Lucas explain, but before her could say anything I pull my hand back and look at him. "I'm going up to her." I say with a stern voice as I took a step in her direction. "El, she told me she needs space." Lucas states a little irritated as he knew how Max reacted to him when he wanted to help her. "No Lucas. She doesn't need space. She needs me." I state as I turn my back toward him and walk up to Max. My eyes started to tear up by the thought of how she must feel right now. Coming here, to Billy his grave, wasn't something she did when she was happy. 

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