The question

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~ Eleven POV ~

So it was just all a big misunderstanding. I should have asked Max, before I made assumptions. But now that I knew the truth, it made me fall for her even more. She did all of this for me and she even told Robin she liked me. She was really serious. I wasn't used to people doing things for me. I was always the one doing things for others, but Max made me feel wanted and loved. We were now on our way to the arcade which I was really looking forward too. I could play games again with Max and show Steve and Robin that I could play arcade games now.

next to the arcade sat an ice cream shop. Me and Max looked at each other as we ran inside without waiting on the others. We looked around at the flavours my eyes widen. "One vanilla with whipped cream and extra sprinkles and a strawberry scoop please." Max grins as she meets my eyes. "You remembered." I giggle. "Ofcourse, how can I forget." Max blushes as she waits on the ice creams. "Why is strawberry your favourite flavour?" I ask as I look at her. She meets my eyes. "Why is vanilla yours? I thought you loved strawberries so much." She giggles. She wasn't wrong, I did like strawberry a lot, but vanilla- "It reminds me of you. It tastes like how you smell." I blush as I meet her eyes. Max turns red as she smiles. "Then you also figured out why I like strawberry ice cream so much." Max giggles. "Why the sprinkles and the whipped cream?" She ask with a chuckle. "Because the sprinkles remind me of your fun colourful clothes and I just like whipped cream." I giggle as I look at her. She smirks as she looks at my lips. "One vanilla with whipped cream, extra sprinkles and a strawberry scoop." A boy who worked there handed us the ice cream. "Thank you." We both smile as the others joined us too. "Cookies and cream!" Will smiles. "Hazelnut." Mike says. "You have cherry?" Robin chuckles. The boy nods. "And for me chocolate please." Steve smiles. The boy handles our order as me and Max were already enjoying our Ice cream. "that will be $10" "Steve is paying." Robin chuckles as she grabs her ice cream and walks away. "Ofcourse I am. Always taking care of you children." Steve chuckles as he pays. Max and I walk out the store as we look at eachother. "Wanna switch?" She smirks. I nod. "Like old times." I smile as I take her ice cream as she takes mine. I gently lick the ice cream, with the thought of Max licking it just a few moments before. It made me blush. She giggles as she saw I turned red.

We finished our ice cream and made our way to the arcade. Max was looking around like crazy, her eyes flying over the games. I giggle. "Max! You are still the high score on dig dug! Will, Steve and I will make sure it changes today! Won't we guys?" Mike cheers. They agree. "Goodluck, you'll need it. " Max chuckles. "We'll be playing dig dug all day if we have too!" Mike nods as he focuses his attention back to the game. I feel a hand interlock with mine. "Common, you can show Robin how good you are at that Spiderman game!" Max smiles as I look down at our hands as I blush. "You two are adorable." Robin giggles. "Shut up you." Max giggles as she pulls me along to the game. I was excited to show Robin the game I had learned. Maybe I could make it up to her for being so rude today. "Want to play with me Robin? I'm sorry that I've been so weird today." I ask as I look at her. "It's okay little one, I know these feelings all too well." She winks as I blush. "I'd love too. Show me how it works." Robin smiles as I smile too. "Is that okay Max?" I ask her as she looks at me with a proud face. "Go ahead! I will play another game close by, I'll join you two soon again." She smiles as she looks at Robin and I. I nod. The overwhelming feeling of the love I had for Max flows through my veins as I just felt like I wanted to shout it from the rooftops.

Robin and I were playing the Spiderman game for a while now and I think I became even better. I died way later then last time. This was my third try. "YES! You defeated him!" Robin cheers as I had defeated the bad guy in the game. "YAY!" I cheer as I hug Robin. "Go tell Max! She must be here somewhere." Robin smiles as she looks at me. "I will! I'll be right back!" I cheer as I pull away from the hug and try to find Max. I was in the back of the arcade now, but still didn't find Max. I suddenly feel two hands on my shoulders. "There you are." Max chuckles in my ear. I turn around to meet her blue eyes. "I was looking for you everywhere." I giggle as she meets my eyes. "Well, you found me." She smiles as she grabs both my hands and swings them back and forth. I giggle in responds as I look around. "Don't worry, no one comes around here. All these machines are out of order." She smiles. I tilt my head as I look at her. "Then what are you doing back here?" I ask as she said she was going to play a game. "There is this one game who works back here. It's called defender. You should check it out. I just beat the highscore." She smiles nervously. I giggle. "Okay, show me." She took my hand and leads me to the last machine and the only machine who was indeed on. It was all the way in the back corner, away from everything and everyone. "This is it, as you can see I beat the highscore again." She says as she meets my eyes. I swear I could see some nervousness in her eyes. I turn my head to the machine as I saw the score board of the game. My eyes scan the screen as I focus on the first name on the scoreboard. Thinking I'd find Madmax at the top, but seeing something else. "11bMyGf" I read out loud. I was confused at first since I was still struggling with reading and this looked more like a code. I face Max as her face had turned red. "I thought you had beat the high score? This is not your name. What does it mean?" I ask her confused. She chuckles softly. "It is me. And I couldn't spell it all out since you can only enter 10 digits, but I'll give you a hint. Gf is short for Girlfriend. Now read it again. Slowly." Max blushes as her smile lights up the room. I couldn't help but smile too. "Okay." I turn my head back to the screen as I read it again. This time slowly. "11 b my gf- Girlfriend. Eleven be my Girlfriend." As I finished my sentence It hit me. I turned back to Max who met my eyes right away. "Max-" I blush as my smile grew on my face. She grabs both my hands again as she stares deep into my eyes. "El, I've had a crush on you since the moment I saw you. You make me feel at home and safe. You give me the feeling I could do anything. You make me feel warm and cozy inside whenever I'm around you. Whenever you touch me I feel like there is a fire in my heart. My heart beats for you Eleven. Will you give me the chance to make you the happiest person alive. To protect you and care for you. To make you feel at home. To show you that you are the most incredible person who ever existed. El will you be my girlfriend?" Max ask as she never left my eyes. My eyes tear up as I brush my thumb on her fingers. "Max, you are crazy you know that?" I chuckle softly as tears roll out my eyes of happiness. She giggles as looks at our hands and back up again. "So is that a yes?" She asks with a smile. I pull her closer by her hands as my lips collide with hers. Tasting the sweet vanilla ice cream she ate earlier on her lips. "Yes. Yes. Yes-" I say in between pecks on her lips. "Of Course I want to be your girlfriend. Nothing would ever make me happier then to call you mine. " I smile as I meet her eyes as she was now tearing up. "Who's the crazy one now." She giggles as a tear rolls down her face with a huge smile on her face. "Guess we are just crazy for eachother."

// AN: This must be my fave chapter to write so far. I hope you like the way Max asked El to be her girlfriend! Let me know what you think!

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