Last day

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~ Max POV ~

El and I danced around her room for a bit. Laughing. Holding each other. Singing along. It was so much fun. I didn't want it to end, but I also wanted to do some more things with her today. The music dies down as I was staring at a her dancing. She looked so care free dancing around like that. She also looked so cute. Her brown hair flowing around as she moves. I smile as I felt so lucky to have her. She meets my gaze as she blushes softly. "What?" She asks giggling. "You are just so cute and I'm so lucky to call you mine." I smile as I look at her. She smiles as she jumps into my arms and hugs me tight. "I love you so much." She whispers into my neck as her hands wrap tightly around me. My hands wrap around her as well as my smile grew. "I love you so much El." I whisper back. "I wish I could put you in my pocket and take you everywhere with me." I explain with a giggle. "I wish I could do that too, but maybe we can make eachother something to keep in our pockets, as a good luck charm?" El smiles. I giggle when I see her sparkling eyes. "That's such a cute idea, yes, ofcourse." I smile as El jumps up and down in excitement.

"What should we make?" I ask as I look at a excited El who was gathering all the things she used to make her diorama for school. "We can make clay figures of something we like and give it to each other? Or we can make ourselves?" El suggested excitingly. I smile and nod. "Let's make ourselves as a figure and something we love as a keychain. I'm sure we can do that right?" I smile. El her eyes light up as she loved being creative. "Yes! Let's do that!" She smiles as she grabs the clay and paint. "Should we make it downstairs on the dinner table? Then we have more space." El smiles. I nod. "Sure love. You don't mind others watching what we are doing?" I ask as I look at El who was putting all her supplies in a box to bring downstairs. "No, I'm not ashamed of making something for the one I love. Besides everyone knows about us, so I don't mind." El smiles. My heart warms up by what she said. I smile at her as I help her with the supplies. "I know I keep saying it, but- I love you so much." I smile. Her smile brightens. "Don't ever stop, please." She giggles as she walks downstairs with the supplies.

We set everything up on the dinner table as Robin pops up behind us. "What are you two up too?" She asks curious as she sees the clay and paint. "We are going to make some goodluck charms for each other." El explains proudly. I blush softly. She was so cute, she didn't care what anyone thought about it, as long as we enjoyed it together. "That's so adorable. Can I join? I want to make steve a spiked bat for his car keys, he is always losing them. " Robin chuckles. "Ofcourse." El smiles as she lays out the supplies and sat down. We followed her lead and got to work while the boys were playing a game upstairs.

I look over at El who was busy with rolling out some clay and pressing it down to make something small and round. I smile as I focus back on mine. I was busy with making my long ginger hair on this little figure. it was turning out pretty well, if I say so myself.

I was now busy with sculpting a little skateboard as keychain, obviously. I look over at El who was already painting hers. She meets my eyes as she quickly hides her figure. "Don't peek!" She chuckles. I chuckle too. "Sorry, ma'am." I smile as I focus back on my figures.

After a while El and Robin were already done, but I was still busy painting my skateboard. I wanted it to say something special so it took me a little longer. "There, done! Now it needs to dry." I smile as El meets my eyes again. "Yay! Can't wait to see." She smiles. "Can't wait to see yours either love." I smile as I hold her hand. "Look, I made this for steve. He's gonna absolutely love it." Robin chuckles as she dangles a little bat with spikes in front of my eyes. "That is very cute. He will definitely like that." I chuckle. Robin looks proud at her work. "It's almost dinner time. I'll order us some pizza's." Robin smiles as she walks over to the phone. "Dinner time? damn, were we crafting for that long?" I ask with big eyes. "I guess so." El softly says as she meets my eyes. "The time is going by so fast. I wish I could just stop the time." I mumble as I stare into El her hazel eyes. "me too love." El whispers as she lays her head against mine. "Are you sure that isn't part of your powers?" I chuckle softly as I look at her. She shook her head as she chuckles too. "I sadly can't do that." She replies as her eyes were looking deep into mine. "Pizza has been ordered. I'll call the boys downstairs. But before I do, I had an idea. Why don't you two take some pictures of eachother outside with the sunset after dinner? So you two can have a pictures of eachother. I know El has a lot of good once of you already Max." Robin suggested as she winks. "But maybe just have some fun together and make some pictures outside. So Max will have some pictures of you too El. I'm sure she'll like that a lot." Robin winks at me. "Shut up, but yes- I would like that." I blush slightly. "Then we'll do that. But we don't have to dress up, that'll take to much time." El explains with a smile. I chuckle. "Agreed. Besides, you don't need it. You look so beautiful." I smile at El as she meets my eyes. "Says the gorgeous one." El replies as she playfully nudges me. "You two are too cute." Robin grins. "Thanks for the idea Robs." I thank Robin as she nods. "No problem Red." She replies as she walks off to call the boys downstairs, since the pizza could be here any minute now. "Should we show eachother the figures tomorrow, Before you have to leave? Then they can dry overnight." El suggests when she meets my eyes. "Yes, good point." I smile.

So this is love? ~ ElmaxWhere stories live. Discover now