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~ Max POV ~

El was acting weird. She gave short answers and she can't look into my eyes. Did I do something wrong? I was trying to make this day special, but I'm not sure if it was working. She was enjoying her eggos with strawberries in front of me luckily. I have to figure out what's wrong before- before the question. I'm just so scared she's going to say no. Suddenly El spoke to me. My eyes light up as I look at her. But she didn't meet my eyes. She looked at my lips. Which made me feel warm inside. "You've got some icing on your lip." She points out as I was indeed stuffing a donut in my mouth because of nervousness. "Oh, thanks." I smile softly as I wipe away the mess with a napkin. El looked away as she saw I was trying to make eye contact with her. Something was really off. But what?

"Boys, why won't we go play catch with Steve. We brought a ball and everything." Robin states as she throws the ball to Steve. Steve his face lights up since he loves sports. Will and Mike, not so much. "But me and Mike don't really-" before Will could speak Robin spoke. "Common! Steve really wants to play, right Steve? And its fun. Let have some fun!" Robin suggest. "Can I join too?" El asks as she looks a little bit annoyed at Robin. "We just need four players for now El, you can join Max for now." She tries to say as sweetly as possible to not sound rude as she brings them with her and Steve to a more open field close by, but far enough for some privacy. It was all part of my and Robins play actually, so I could be alone with El for a moment. El looks offended that she couldn't play along. "We can play with them soon alright?" I smile as I look at El. Her eyes still glued on were the rest was walking. She didn't say anything. I stood up. "I will be right back, wait here. Please?" I ask sweetly as I just saw her nod with no expression on her face. I ran over to some bushes nearby were I had spotted some flowers. I picked a few to make a small bouquet.I held them behind my back as I walk back to El. Who was looking down at the grass, picking at it. She looked sad. But why? I really am trying to do all her favorite things. Go outside, have her favorite food, flowers and soon games. But she didn't seem all too happy. I had to know why, because I wanted today to be- perfect. "No one wants me. Is that it?" She spoke up when I walk up to her. "What?" I Ask confused. She, for the first time meets my eyes, but they are blurry of tears. "El-" "No Max. No one wants me around. Angela and the whole school, joyce suddenly left, you didn't want me to join you upstairs or to go to the store and now I can't join them to play a simple ball game that I know you can play with more then four people. I'm not stupid!" El snifs as tears form in her eyes. I look a her with pain in my eyes. This is not what was meant to happen at all. "El, that's not true." I softly say as I was still hiding the flowers behind my back. "Well it feels like it. And now the only person that I thought wanted me and that I wanted, wants someone else." She states. "What?" I ask confused as I meet her teary eyes again. Her tears now streaming down her face. "You and Robin." She sniffs. I kneel down to be on her eye level. "What about us?" I ask confused. "You like her don't you? I saw you two together." El states. "What?! El that's not true! I don't like Robin. She's a friend El. I like you!" I reply as I now hand her the flowers. That stumped her. "F-flowers?" She asks in confusion. "Yes El. Flowers. For you. Because I like you. I choose you and I only want you. I don't like Robin. She was helping me plan today to be special- for you." I explain as sadness washes over me a little. "You- you did?" She asks softly tears still in her eyes. "Yes you dummy. I kissed you didn't I? I told you I liked you." I say with a soft chuckle. "Yes." She sniffs with a chuckle too. "But- What about what you said to Robin?" El asks. "What I said to Robin? What do you mean-" as I look at the sleeve of El I saw a blood stain on it. "You spied on me. That's why I heard you in my head." I state as I look at her. She turns red of embarrassment. "I- I'm sorry I was just-" she mumbles as she looks at me. I came closer to her a little. "Jealous?" I grin. "Maybe." She blushes in embarrassment. "You're lucky you're so cute." I smile as I look at her lips. She blushes more. "But what about-" she continues. I slowly lean in as I kiss her cheek. "Please no more questions. Just trust me that I like you and only you and try to enjoy what I have planned for you today." I giggle softly as my heart pounds in my chest. It was cute that she was jealous, that means she really likes me too. But I never intended to hurt her. "Okay. Sorry for thinking you liked Robin." El blushes. "It's okay, but Robin is not at all my type. Too old for me too. Besides, don't tell her I said this, but she's already got her eyes on your ex boyfriend his sister." I chuckle. "Really?!" El her eyes grow big as she chuckles. "Yes, but don't tell her I said that." I chuckle. El nods.

"So this picnic and The eggos and the flowers were all planned for me?" El asks as she meets my eyes. "Yes, didn't you see the heart shaped strawberries?" I giggle. "I thought strawberries looked like that sometimes." She giggles. "Well, they were meant as hearts. But I have to keep it somewhat a secret from the rest. So that's why Robin is helping me. She knows I had a crush on you since-" I blush as I stop talking as I wasn't meant to say that. Not yet. El her eyes grew as her smile widened. I didn't know how much she heard when she spied on me, but I'm pretty sure she made the connection that I was talking about her now.

"I understand now. I'm really sorry Max." She states as she meets my eyes. "It's okay El, I never meant to hurt you. You know that right? I would never hurt you." I explain as I give her the flowers. She smiles as looks at them. "I know. I will make it up to you. I promise." El smiles. I turn a light red. I grab one of the yellow flowers I had picked and wove it into El her hair. She blushes because my face was so close to hers. "So your powers are working like they used to I get from the spying." I whisper softly. El turns even more red as she nods. "I think if I practice, I can become stronger too. I don't want to lose you like I lost my dad. So I will practice to become stronger again. So no one can hurt you or the others again." El says full of confidence. "I will help you, okay?" I suggest with a smile. El nods. El leans in as she kisses my cheek. "Thank you for everything." She smiles. her lips are curled into a beautiful smile as I felt my heart pound. My eyes focus on her lips as I really wanted to kiss her right now. I smile in return.  "Can I have a strawberry?" El asks as she points to the strawberries who sat next to me. I grab one as I held it in my hand. "So you do like what I did for you so far?" I ask her to make sure. But instead of El grabbing the strawberry with her hand she gently leans over and grabs it with her teeth as she looks at me. I gulp as she nods. She ate the strawberry as that stained her lips a darker red. "Yes, I love it. Sorry for being so jealous." She explain. But I was still mesmerized by her action and her red stained lips. I blush as I look at her. "It's okay, really El. I feel kinda flattered that you were jealous. altho I didn't like that you felt so bad about it. Really showed me that you- you know." I blush. El meets my eyes. "That I really like you?" She smirks as she wanted to come closer. I nod softly as I suddenly hear voice behind us. 

Shit there goes our alone time. Suddenly I saw El focus on the ball in Will his hands as they were focused talking to each other as they walk over to us. The ball fell out of Will's hands as he was holding it, rolling down a small hill, which made him run after it. Everyone looked at the sudden falling ball which made them look away from us. El quickly grabs my face as she kisses my lips shortly. Backing away right after to sit in her usual spot, munching on a strawberry with a smirk. I blush as I felt the warmth fill my body. "Sneaky." I whisper as I saw her wipe away the little blood that had dripped out her nose. She giggles as Will had finally caught up to the ball and soon after join us again. 

//AN: Hope you guys like the chapter! please let me know what you'd like to see happen next! 

So this is love? ~ ElmaxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang