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~ Eleven POV ~

Dinner was- interesting. There was this tension the whole time between the whole table. Mike looking at me continuously. Will looking between me and Max while also staring at Mike. Steve being to busy with himself and Robin being to overwhelmed by what we just told her and not being able to talk about it. "The lasagna was really good guys." Steve says as he took his last bite. "Thanks Steve." Robin smiles. "Not because of you, but because of these two." Robin points at us. We smile as we look at Steve. "I sadly have to agree. Great job girls. " he smiles. We smile in return.

"We cooked so you boys need to do the dishes." I chuckle softly. Mike looks at Steve and Will. "But we wanted to teach Steve DND-" Mike whines. "Well that can wait till- after- the dishes." Robin grins. "But it takes a long time to set up- and you guys made a mess!" Mike states as he looks at the kitchen and all the plates. "Well you have to thank Steve for that huge mess in the kitchen." Robin explains. "Then you and Steve can do the dishes and Will can set it up. But you guys are doing the dishes." Max smirks. "Fine. Will, you okay with that?" Mike looks over at will. "Yeah sure!" He smiles as he looks a little too long in Mike his eyes. "That's settled then. The girls and I will have a movie night. You boys can play your dumb game upstairs. But we are going to watch the girliest girl movie so don't bother us." Robin states. "Gross and it's not a dumb game- and we won't bother you before this game can take hours-" Mike argues. Before her can continue Robin throws a sponge at him. "Dishes." She smirks. "Fine." He rolls his eyes as he threw a dish towel at Steve. "Let's do it, this might take a while." Mike groans. Steve chuckles as he took the dishes to the kitchen sink. Max and Robin lean over to me. "Don't worry, we are not watching that- we are watching that new horror movie that just came out. I sneaked it with me from my work." She grins. I look at Max as we both smiles widely. "And I won't be surprised or grossed out if you two want to be all cozy together." Robin whispers softly as she winks at us. I felt my cheeks burn up as I look ar Max who smirks at me.

Will walks up the stairs as I follow him with my eyes. "You two can already make it cozy here and set everything up. I'll grab some stuff from my room." I explain as I smile. Max nods as she looks at Robin. "Alright, see you soon." Max gazes at me with puppy eyes. As it looked like she wanted to say 'i love you, I smile at her as I quickly blow a kiss and follow Will up the stairs. He walked into his room as I followed him. "Will?" I softly say as I stood in his door opening. I looked inside his room as there was a desk set up with these figures on it and some dice. "Hey El. What's up?" He asks as he meets my eyes. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" I ask softly as I walk into his room. He turns a slight red. "Uh yeah Ofcourse- about what?" He asks as he nervously sat down on his bed.

I put the door on 3 inches as I look at Will. Will smiles at me as he looks at the door. "About, love." I softly say as I sat down on one of the chairs that was sat up. "What- what about it?" He mumbles nervously as he fidgets with his flannel. "Do you remember were we talked about, before Mike and Max were here? About- what love felt like?" I began as he nervously nods. "Yes, I remember." He softly says as he looks at me. "And you told me that boys could like boys— and girls could like girls." I mumble as I fumble with my fingers. "El I- it isn't what you think-" Will starts as he looks incredibly nervous. "- I like Max." I suddenly say. "What?" Will replies as he meets my eyes and stops fiddling. "I like- no- I love Max, Will. I'm in love with her. And we are together. She's my girlfriend." I softly explain as I look at him as I felt my hands getting sweaty. "Oh my god- El." He suddenly beams as he had the biggest smile on his face and stood up. I stood up too out of nervousness. "I'm so proud of you- and so happy for you too! So she loves you back?" Will asks as he looks at me with the most pure eyes. I nod with a smile. "Yes. I've never felt so happy with anyone ever. She is my person." I smile as I look at Will. "What did you want to say before I?-" before I could finish Will shook his head. "Nothing! Nothing important El, I'm so happy for you." He pulls me into a hug as I smile. "But please don't tell anyone yet. Only you and Robin know. I'm not ready to tell anyone else yet. Definitely not Mike." I softly say as I meet his eyes. "Robin knew, before me? Thats-" Will replies. "Will! You promise?" I ask as I look at him. "Yes, I promise. I won't say anything. Thank you for telling me. I'm very proud of you." He smile at me. I smile back as I give him another hug. "Thanks brother. I really wanted to tell someone and I trust you." I smile. "That means a lot sis. You can always talk to me." He smiles sweetly. "El!? We are almost done setting up, you ready up there?" Max calls from downstairs. I look at the door and back at Will.

"Go! Your girlfriend is calling you." He winks. I blush softly as I nod. "Have fun with your game Will." I smile. "And thank you again" He smiles in return as he grabs some papers and books for the game. "Anytime El."

// AN: Just a small wholesome chapter. Hope you like it! 🤍

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