Mad Max

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~ Eleven POV ~

We got away from the skate rink and were now inside a mall nearby. I just stopped running and we were all out of breath. I just now let go of Max her hand as we both tried to catch our breath. Mike and Will sat down at a bench inside the mall as Me and Max were still standing.

"Max- I- What are you doing here?" I ask when I calmed down a bit, tears still in the corner of my eyes. "I came to surprise you." She slightly blushed as she met my eyes. She quickly looks away. " It was actually Will his ideas, so-" She quickly adds as she nods over to Will. "Yeah, you told me how much you missed her so I wanted to surprise you. Only it wasn't meant to happen like this." Will scratched his head as he puts down the skateboard of Max next to him. "I am glad you did this Will. Thank you." I softly smile as I look over to Max. She looks at me as she opens her arms. "I didn't have the chance to say Hi yet." She smiles as she looks at me with slightly watery eyes. I feel my eyes water as I ran into her arms and hug her tight. "Hi." I sniff with a slight chuckle. "Hi." Max giggles as she sniffs too. The emotions just now hit us as we didn't really had the chance too back at the rink. I shiver by the thought of what just happened. "Are you okay?" Max whispers as she slowly pulls away. "No. But I will be." I softly nod. Suddenly Mike stood up. 

"Why did you hit Angela?! You literally broke her nose. " He snaps at Max. I frown in responds.  Max her head slightly tilted as she steps towards him. "The real question is why didn't you!" Max snaps back. "Why didn't I do what?!" Mike asks. "ANYTHING? Literally anything! You just stood there!" Max roared at him as my eyes shoot from Max to Mike. "I did do something!" He yells as he steps up to her. "Oh yeah! I totally forgot. You gave me your skate after I had to ask twice. Thanks, you were a real help." Max snaps sarcastically. 

"Stop! both of you. Please. " I shout as I step in between them. Max and Mike both turn to me. "I'm sorry El, I shouldn't have shouted." Max replies as she looks at me. "You shouldn't have hit here." Mike responded as he looks at Max. Max wanted to step closer again as I saw her frustration grow on her face. I blocked her as I turn to Mike. "Mike stop it!" I shout as I look at him. "What?! I'm only saying that  She shouldn't have hit her. She could have helped in other ways!" he replies. "At least I did something! I couldn't let them hurt El! If I waited any longer then that stupid blonde might have done the same, but then to El. I couldn't risk it! " Max explains with a fierce undertone. Before Mike could respond I spoke up. "If you think that Max could have helped in other ways. Why didn't you help in other ways?" I ask with a frown. Will stood up now too. "Mike and I tried to get through the crowd but-" He began as he backed up for Mike. "Will, I asked Mike." I respond calmly as I focus my eyes on Mike. 

"As Will said, we couldn't get through." He explain. "Then how did Max get through?" I ask with a irritated undertone. "I don't know! She is smaller so I guess it was easier for her?" He replies as he shrugs. "Or you didn't try hard enough." I state as I cross my arms. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Do you even love me?" I ask irritated as tears form in my eyes as I look at him with frowned eyes. "Of Course I do." He walks closer to me as he wants to hold me. I step back as I look at him. "Oh do you? Because you never say it." 

"I say it." He states as he meets my eyes. "When do you say it? I wrote you everyday. Love, El. And you never say it back. It's always from Mike, from Mike, FROM MIKE. " I shout as tears roll down my cheek. 

I feel hands on my arms as I hear Max her voice. "Hey, let's continue this at home alright? Where we don't have strangers staring at us and before we say anything we'll regret. " Max explains as we stood inside the mall. "Yeah, let's talk at home El, you know you don't mean any of it. " Mike replies as he wanted to hold her again. I raise an eyebrow, but before I could say anything Max stepped up. "El her feelings are valid and she is allowed to feel upset. I was talking about you. So you better stop talking, before YOU will regret it." Max crosses her arms. Mike sighs as he looks irritated. "You know what, why don't you and El stay here for a bit and try to enjoy yourself and talk for a bit. I'll take Mike to our house and we can talk about this as well, before anyone acts out of emotions, alright?" Will suggested nervously. "Great idea." Max agreed as she interlocks arms with me. Frustration, sadness and anger still washed over me. "Okay." Mike sighs as he joins Will. "Here your board Max." Will handed Max her skateboard as she nods thankful. "Thanks Willy Will." She smirks. He chuckles as he took Mike with him. 

"Come on, we'll get you some new clothes. How much I enjoy your new chocolate scent, it doesn't look so great. Brown isn't really your colour. I'd say red fits you better. " Max sofly chuckles in attempt to make me smile. Which worked. I smile softly. "But I don't have any money with me anymore." I reply sadly. "No worries, I got you. Now let's get you something you like alright? No worries." She smiles as she takes me with her. "Thank you Max." I smile as I hold her a bit tighter. "Now lets have some fun, like our past shopping sprees." She giggles. 

AN// bit of a shorter chapter, but I hope you still enjoy it! What do you think Eleven should do? and do you think Max did the right thing? 

So this is love? ~ ElmaxWhere stories live. Discover now