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~ Eleven POV ~

What just happened? Out of reaction I pushed Max against the wall to hide us from some of Angela her friend. I know Max and I would be in trouble if we got caught so I pinned her against the wall in the fitting room, so we were hidden. But I felt weird. I looked into her eyes and I got this weird warm feeling inside of me. My heart was beating super fast and I felt my breathing getting heavier. I don't know how or why, but the way Max looked at me and how we were standing made me feel good. More then good. But I couldn't understand why or what it was. After the friends of Angela were gone I stepped away from Max and we both blushed. I had the feeling that I made Max feel uncomfortable or that I hurt her with pinning her down. But she told me I didn't hurt her.

She even told me she'd protect me from everyone who'd ever try to hurt me, which made me feel safe and happy.

"I'll always protect you too Max." I smile. She smiles back. We pay for the clothes and walk out of the mall. We made our way home and Max even let me try to ride her skateboard on the way there. She helped me and held my hand as I stood on the board. Every time she held me I didn't want her to let go.

I wanted her to hold me forever. She made me feel good and happy. But Mike didn't. Thinking about what happend with Mike today and through the years made me realize that I never felt so good with him as I feel right now with Max. I don't know what that means, but after today It was too much. I knew what I needed to do, but I was scared about his reaction.

We got home a little later. As soon as we got inside we went upstairs to find the boys.

"Mike? Will?" Max called out. They were probably in Will his room so we opened the door. They sat close to eachother as they quickly move away from eachother when we opened the door. "You good?" Max asked Will who was as red as a tomato. "Yeah, you good?" I asked to Mike who was also red.

"Yes all good." Mike replies as he cleared his throat. I frown as I look at Max. "Weirdos. " Max rolls her eyes as she looks at Mike. "El, about earlier." Mike began. "Yes?" I reply with a straight face. "I really tried to help El. I really did. But I just couldn't get to you. " Mike explains as he looks at me. "And- you know I was kind of confused, because you told me Angela was your friend. So I didn't think this would happen. You shouldn't have lied to me." Mike responds as he meets my eyes. "So you say this was my fault?" I ask him with a slightly angry tone.

"No! Well not all of it." Mike stumbled on his words. "Mike-" Will nervously tries to stop Mike from talking. "Not all of it?!" Max suddenly steps in. "You really are saying that some of this was her fault Mike?! Really?! Even if you damn well know how it feels to be bullied." Max replies with a angry tone. My eyes widen as I look at Max, choosing my side. It gave me hope and made me feel not alone in this.

"I didn't say that it was okay for her to get bullied I just said that she shouldn't have lied about it to me." Mike explains. "I know how it feels to be bullied indeed, and you know that El! You saw it yourself. Then why didn't you tell me?!" Mike states more irritated. "Mike, calm down." Will softly says as he pulls on Mikes shirt.

"Maybe she didn't tell you because she was scared. She didn't want to make you worried and maybe she was embarrassed too? Have you ever thought about that? Have you ever considered her feelings?! And maybe she was scared of your reaction? Like you are doing right now!" Max explains with passion. Tears form in my eyes as she was right. But I didn't get emotional, because of sadness. But because she understood me. No one ever understood me as Max.

"Maybe El should talk for herself! Don't you think?!" Mike snaps as he looks past Max at me.

"It's true. What Max said. Maybe I shouldn't have lied, but you never say it back! I thought if I'd tell you the truth you wouldn't write to me at all. " I explain as I look at him.

"I know it's just- complicated El. You're complicated. " Mike explains with a sigh as he scratches his neck. "Complicated? That's the word you'd use to describe me her?" Max asks Mike with a fierce undertone. "Yeah- she is Max. She's different." Mike explains softly. My eyes meet the ground as that really hurts my feelings. I didn't choose to be different. I didn't choose this life.

"Wow, real mature Mike. Pinning it on her. Just because she's complicated? Different? Yes she's different. But she's so special and I can't believe you aren't seeing that! And I'm not talking about her powers. But her personality. She's so strong, independent, kind, smart and-pretty. I can't believe that it's so hard for you to say that you love her. Because if I were you I'd say it constantly to remind her how wonderful and loved she is!" Max was yelling at this point as she was staring at Mike out of breath.

My heartbeat fastened. I look at Max as I felt my stomach feel all fluttery. I lay my hand on my stomach as I was surprised by the feeling. "Butterflies?" I whisper to myself. Soft enough so no one cloud hear. I couldn't help but smile a little at the kind words of Max. "Thank you." I whisper to Max as she smiles in return as her cheeks glow red.

"That's not-" Mike started as he shook his head. "I don't care what you meant Mike." I sigh softly. Mike looks at me. "I dump your ass. For real this time." I respond as I cross my arms. "What?" Mike asks confused.

"It's not gonna work Mike and it never will. It's better for us to just be friends. I liked you better that way. As friends." I nod. "But- I- I guess you're right. Friends?" He nods as he held out his hand. He accepted it a bit too quickly, but I let it go. "Friends. But I'm still mad at you for what you said." I reply with a frown. "Yeah Alright- sorry." He mumbles softly as he scratched his head.

Will and Max looked surprised at each other and they looked happy too. I didn't think much of it, they probably were happy that Mike and I are still friends.

"Max and I will be in my room. We have a lot to discuss. Girl stuff." I state as I grab Max her hand and pull he with me. "Uh alright- Will and I will be here." He replies as I already didn't listen anymore.

AN// So they broke up. What do you guys think about it? I hope you like the story so far!

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