The princess and the ruler

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~ Eleven POV ~

We just came home from eating pizza at a pizza place. Max and I shared a pepperoni pizza and it was really good. We just got home and got to our rooms to change into our comfy clothes to watch a movie downstairs with each other. "Does your hip still hurt?" Max asks as she was clearly staring at me while I was changing. "A little, only when I push on it. I'll be okay. How about your neck? It still is a big bruise." I ask Max as I put on the oversized Wonder Woman shirt. "It's fine. I honestly haven't really noticed it since I have been quiet distracted." Max grins as she looks into the mirror at her bruises. "Distracted? With what?" I tilt my head as I look at her. She turns to me as she chuckles. "With you, you dummy." She chuckles as she walks over to me. "Oh, am I distracting?" I ask still with a tilted head. "Yes you are, but in a good way." Max smiles. "Like I am hurt. Inside and out, but you distract me from the pain, so I don't feel it as much." Max explains. I turn to her as I hold her hands. "I don't want you to hurt. I will keep distracting you, I promise." I said in all seriousness as I meet her eyes. "Thank you El. I will distract you from all those bad things too." Max smiles as she pulls me into a hug. "But Max, what does it mean when you hurt on the inside too?" I ask once I pull away from the hug. Max her eyes grew a little concerned as she walks over to the bed and grabs the squirrel plush she won for me and hands it to me. "I will tell you, but not tonight. Let's keep this day fun okay? We are going to watch ghostbusters with the group. It should be fun. Alright?" Max softly smiles. I take the plush as I pull it close to me. "Promise?" I ask as I look at Max. She nods softly. "I promise. Now let's put on some shorts and grab a blanket and go downstairs. I can ask Robin to make us some popcorn. I know that she worked in a movie theater before. Well- She was only selling tickets, but I'm sure she knows how to make popcorn too." Max chuckles as she grabs some shorts from the bed. I nod as I did the same. "Is the movie- scary?" I ask softly as I look at Max. Max faces me as she smiles. "I mean, I don't think it is, but I'll be right next to you if you find it scary alright? And you can cuddle your mister Fibbly plush too." Max comforts me. I smile as I nod. "Alright." I nod. "Wait a minute, are you really asking me if ghostbusters is scary? You fought demogorgans, a mindflayer and you survived the lab. You killed, multiple monsters and some people.  And you are scared of scary movies?" Max chuckles softly. I turn to Max as I meet her eyes. I shake my head softly. "No I'm not scared, I just wanted to pretend to be scared so you would comfort me. That is what they do in the movies. " I explain as I look at her. She bursts out laughing as she grabs my hand. "Why would you want to do that? I know your plan now, dummy." She chuckles. "The others don't. Then I can pretend to be scared and you can comfort me, without them knowing that you are my girlfriend." I explain with a smile. Max stopped laughing as she looks at me with a serious face now. "El- you really are a genius." She smile as she kisses my cheek. I blush as I look at her. "Let's go! I don't want to miss the scary parts!" I chuckle as I grab Max her hand and lead her downstairs as mister fibbly was in my other hand.

We got downstairs as Robin and Steve were already downstairs setting up the movie. They worked at a movie store so they brought a lot of movies with them. As we walk up to them we saw that they wearing matching sailor themed PJ's. We looked at them as we burst out laughing. "Hey,It was Robin's idea." Steve explains as he looked at us. "Suureeee captain Steve." Max laughs as she looks at them both. "Common it's cute right?! I just had to get them since me and Steve became GREAT friends at scoops ahoy. Right Steve?" Robin smirks. "You called me a loser and said I sucked most of the time when we were there." Steve chuckles. "See that's what I mean. So much love." Robin laughs as she playfully pushes Steve. "I'll get you." Steve grins as he starts chasing Robin around the house as Robin runs away laughing. We laugh as we took our spot in front of the TV. We sat in front of the table on the ground as Mike and Will came downstairs and took their place on the couch next to Robin and Steve who had stopped chasing each other. Instead they came back to the couch with a big bowl of pretzels and popcorn. They put on the movie as the room was dim. Will and Mike started to sing along with the song as soon it came on. "WHO YOU GONNA CALL, GHOSTBUSTERS!" They yelled at the screen. Me and Max looked at each other as we chuckled.  "Remember that you were all dressed as ghostbusters and I spooked you guys with my michael myers costume? Hilarious." Max chuckles as she looks at Mike and Will, who were awfully close to each other. "Very funny! We were just scared, because-" Mike mumbles. "Because you weren't allowed to see the michael myers yet and you were scared it was the real one?" Max laughs. "NO! Shut up and watch the movie." Mike groans. "Buzz kill, jeez." Max responds. "Yeah, jeez." I reply as I roll my eyes. I look at Max as she giggles and playfully pushes my arm a little.

A 'Spooky' part came on as a Ghost popped out of nowhere. To be far I didn't see it coming, but it didn't scare me. I acted like it did. I slammed my hand around Max her hand as I pushed myself against her. "That scared me." I whisper to make it more believable. "I got you. You can hold me if you want." Max played along as she smirks softly. I nod as I held her hand. She blushes slightly as did I. I felt Mike stare at us for a second, but that didn't last long. I looked behind me as Robin smiles at me. I smile back as I focus back on the movie.

The movie was almost done as I was still holding Max her hand. She smiles at me as she pointed her head behind her. "Look." She whispers. I turn around as I saw that Will had fallen asleep on Mike his shoulder as Mike had fallen asleep too, leaning his head against Wills.  and Steve had fallen asleep too as his leg was laying over Robin. "I am literally locked in this position. Jeez these boys were the most excited for this movie and now I'm stuck" Robin groans. Max chuckles as she grabs a pretzel with her free hand and lays it on top of Steve his head. "He is really out of it. " Max points out as she throws a pretzel at Mike. "They all are. We should draw on their faces. "  Max jokes as she looks at Robin and Me. "Omg, I have a eye pencil in my bag, go grab it." Robin whispers as she points to her bag. Max chuckles as she lets go of my hand. I follow Max with my eyes as I giggle. "I want to draw on Mike. That's my goal in life. Please." Max states with a chuckle. As she walks back with the eye pencil in her hand. "All yours." Robin Chuckles. "I'm kinda stuck here anyway."

Max started to draw on Mike. My eyes follow the lines on Mike his face as I couldn't stop  laughing. "There. A masterpiece." Max chuckles softly. As Mike now had a mustache, beard, the sentence Max Rules and I suck  on his head. "I want to do Steve." Robin grins as she takes the pencil and made him into a real sailor with a beard and a eyepatch and everything. "Now it's your turn El." Max smiles as she hands me the pencil. "But I don't know what to draw." I state as I look at Will. "Anything you want. Just try it." Max giggles. I took the pencil and shuffle over to Will as he was sound asleep. I got to work on his face. "Done." I say after a little bit as I took a step back to reveal the finished product. Robin and Max looked at his face as they giggle. "It's a cat. With glasses on. See the whiskers, the nose and the glasses. " I point out. "I see that cutie. You are too sweet for this." Max giggles as she holds my hand. I blush by the touch and the nickname. "It's a pretty cool kitty." Robin grins as she looks at all of them. "They will be very surprised when they wake up." Max states. "Yes, very." I giggle as I look at them one last time. "Really my best work yet." Robin chuckles as she carefully got out of her position as she now stood next to us. "Let's go to bed and leave them here. They will find out in the morning." Robin chuckles as she looks at them all nested together on the couch. Me and Max agreed as she held out her hand. "Common princess of the cool kitties, let's head to our kingdom." Max jokes as I took her hand. "Let's go, Ruler Max."

//AN: Hi! Hope you liked this chapter! The updates might be a little slower as I'm very busy with work at the moment. So if you have any ideas for the story please let me know! <3

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