First date

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~ Eleven POV ~

After waking up and eating breakfast with everyone, Will and Mike walk up to me and Max as we were talking in the living room. "So me and Will want to go to this movie together, would you guys like to join?" Mike asks as he eyes us both. "I think we have to skip this one guys. Maybe next time. Me and El already have plans." Max replies as she looks at me. I look puzzled as I didn't know that we had any plans. Mike and Will looked somewhat happy and excited almost, when we said we couldn't join them. Max grins softly, but quickly looks back at me. "Have fun at the movies! We will catch up tonight alright?" I smile at them as they nod. "Maybe we can teach you guys DND tonight !" Will looks at Max and me excitingly. "Wow, slowdown tiger. We will see, just enjoy your time with Mikey today alright?" Max jokes with a wink at Will. Will blushes softly. "Right, what are your plans today?" Will quickly changes the subject. "We're going shopping." Max states as she had this bright smile on her face. "Again? Do you even have any money?" Mike chuckles. "I do have money you shit head, I just don't use it as much." Max replies with a sarcastic grin. "It was just a question, jeez." Mike rolls his eyes. "A stupid one yes. Anyway, me and El are heading to the mall. Steve is going to bring us, so I don't know about you guys, but if you want a ride, you better hurry up." Max chuckles as she looks at the boys who were still in their PJ's. "But the movie stars in 2 hours. What do we have to do there for 2 hours?" Mike groans. "I don't know, it's next to a arcade, so go ham I guess. Or take it easy here, but then you'll have to walk all the way to the cinema. Your choice." Max shrugs. Mike eyes Will as he looks back at me and Max. "Dammit, let's go! Hurry!" Mike groans as he pulls Will with him upstairs to get ready. "Hurry! We leave in 10 minutes." Max yells behind him as she chuckles and faces me.

"I didn't know we had plans." I giggle. I look into her eyes as she quickly looks around and grabs my hands gently. "We do, We are going on a real date. Just you and me." Max smiles. "At the mall?" I giggle softly with a smile on my face by the thought of finally being alone together with Max. "We start off at the mall yes, but you just wait and see goofball." Max smiles at me as she interlocks our fingers. "I can't wait." I smile as I wanted to kiss her so badly, but already heard footsteps rush off the stairs as Will and Mike ran down it while still pulling their shirts over their heads. We let go of each other as we chuckle at them struggling.

"We are ready! We are here!" Mike hufs out of breath as he reaches us. Steve came walking out of the guest room downstairs as he looks at the out of breath boys. "Why are you two so out of breath?" He asks with a grin as he was stares at them. "We only had 10 minutes to get ready!" Mike hufs. Steve looks at them in confusion. "10 minutes to get ready for what?" he asks. "For you to bring the girls to the mall and the only chance for us to get a lift too." Will explains out of breath as he was still fixing his hair with his hand. "Bringing the girls to the mall?- They are going with El her bike. But if you guys want a lift I can bring you?" Steve suggests as he walks to the kitchen to grab something to drink. Will looks at Mike as Mike looks at Max. "So we rushed for nothing?!" Mike growls. Max looks at me as we both burst out laughing. "Oops, well we better go El. Bye boys!" Max chuckles as she grabs my hand and runs outside with me to my bike as we hear Mike curse in the background.

"Hop on princess, I'll drive us." Max chuckles as she grabs my bike. I giggle as I got on the back and wrap my arms around her. "I can't wait till I can get my drivers licence. Then I can drive you around in a car. I always loved driving around. My skateboard had to do, but I can't wait for it to be a car one day. I already know how to drive, but not legally sadly." Max explains with a chuckle as she rides us to the mall. "When can you get your licence?" I ask as I didn't quite understand the whole point of a licence yet. "I technically already can, but I need money for it, but also can't drive around without parental supervision when I get my licence. AND I don't have a car. So it's going to take a while." Max explains slightly disappointed, but she quickly shook it off.  "Oh, well, you'll get there one day!" I smile as I hug her tight from behind on the bike. She smiles as she nods. "I know. Talking about getting there, we have arrived." Max replies as she stops in front of the mall. We parked the bike in front of the mall and got inside.

The mall trip was pretty short. Max pulled me to a clothing store and led me to the swimwear. "What are we doing here?" I ask with a puzzled look. "Well, we are going swimming and for that you need a bikini. " Max smiles as she wiggles her eyebrows. I chuckle at her. "It's so- Exposed." I explain as I grab a pair of bikinis in my hand. "Everyone who is at the beach wears them love and I'm sure you look very hot in it too. Besides, you need it to swim. " Max lightly bites her lip as she looks at me. When she said that, it made me want to try it on right away. "But, I never learned how to swim. I only got put into a tank underwater in the lab. Deep water scares me." I explain as I meet Max her eyes. "We don't have to go far into the water and I will teach you how to swim alright? And the moment you feel scared or unsafe, I promise we will get out, but please at least try it with me? I promise It will be fun. I want to help you to overcome that trauma, if you'll let me." Max kindly smiles. I smile at her as I stare in her ocean blue eyes. Her eyes looked like beautiful pools of water, which I wouldn't mind drowning in. So this shouldn't be too bad as long as I was with Max. "Alright. You promise?" I ask, putting my pinky out for her to interlock with me. "Promise." She smiles as she interlocks her pinky with mine. "Now, let's find us some swimwear." Max grins as she pulls me along.

After finding some Bikinis we put them on in the fitting rooms, beneath our clothes to make it ourselves easier later on the beach. Max didn't see me in it yet and I didn't see her in it either. She paid for mine as I insisted not too, but she did anyway. When we got to the beach we parked the bike somewhere safe and took Max her backpack with us where we had stuffed all out other things in as well as some drinks, snacks and towels. We dropped the backpack at our secret hiding spot and sat down on the ground for a minute. "Back again." Max smiles at me as she stares at the waves. "I must admit, I'm a little scared Max." I softly say as I meet her eyes. Max her hand reaches to my face as she gently lifts up my chin with her fingers and shofty rubs her thumb over my cheek. "There is nothing you HAVE to do. I'm here with you every step of the way. If something is too much for you, we won't do it okay? Just tell me." Max smiles at me with that beautiful kind smile of hers. Her cheeks slightly red, because of the sun. "As long as you are with me, I'm willing to do anything." I admit as I gaze into her eyes. enjoying the touch of her soft fingers on my face. "That's my girl. I'm proud of you El. I mean it." She gently cups my face as she leans in. Her lips colliding with mine as I feel both her hands cup my face, I couldn't help but smile and feel happy and safe. She slowly pulls back and got up. Max lifts up her shirt to reveal her red bikini top, dropping her shirt in front of me. I look up at her and gulp as my eyes travel over her body as she unbuttoned her shorts. It felt like the sun had moved way closer to me all of the sudden, since I felt a heat wave warm my whole body. I gulp as I look at her, not even noticing I was staring at her. "Enjoying the view down there?" She smirks as she slides her shorts down, now also revealing her red bikini bottom. "Jeez, you look- so hot." I say as I gaze at her. She blushes slightly. "I know." She winks as she was half joking since she became a lot more insecure since Billy his death. "I mean it. You look, amazing." I reply as I got up and never left her body with my eyes. The red Bikini matched her hair perfectly, which made it even better. I followed her lead as I also took of my shirt and shorts, revealing a black and white bikini set. "Holy shit. You look sexy as fuck." Max bites her lip as her eyes travel up and down my body. "Sexy?" I ask with a grin. "Yes, hot, sexy, stunning, I have no words for you right now, my drop dead gorgeous girlfriend." She smirks as her hands gently grab my bare waist. I gulp since this was the most 'exposed' I have ever been in front of Max. Sure we changed infront of each other, but not without hiding behind our t-shirts and such.

Her hands on my bare skin felt so good. I wrap my arms around her as well as I travel my hands over her naked back. I felt my heart raise and my mouth getting dry as I felt this rush in my chest. Max licked her lips as she looked at me. "We should go and cool down in the water, because It's getting hot up here." Max whispers as her hands gently squeezes my waist. I gulp and nod. "agreed. Very hot." I smirk as I look at her body. "Common you." She smirks as she steps away and grabs my hand to lead me to the sea. I took a deep breath as I was about to overcome a big fear of mine with the girl I love.

//AN: A beach date! How romantic! What should they do on this date next? People really wanted some alone time between them, so I'm giving you what you want ;)

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