I don't want to miss you

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~ Eleven POV ~

Today was the last day I had together with Max. Tomorrow she had to fly back to Hawkins. It didn't hit me till now, but it made me incredibly sad to think about not having her by my side. Not having her arms around me. Not being able to kiss her lips. To hear her voice. I just couldn't imagine being without her again. It also scared me. To let Max go back to Hawkins. Back to her mom and her whole situation at home. I was afraid she'd fall back into those bad thoughts. I could write to her. But that wasn't enough. We could call, but they hardly had service at that trailer park. I just wish there was a way for us to just be together and not away from eachother.

There was also no sign of Joyce or when she'd be back. So there was not really a lot I could do about this. I just had to make the best of our last day together before she had to catch her flight tomorrow morning. I was just staring at Max while she fiddles with her breakfast, leaving my eggos untouched on my plate. "Are you not hungry?" She asks as she meets my eyes. "What? Oh sorry, I'm Just a little distracted." I explain as I look down at my eggo waffles. "Yeah, me too. Thinking about tomorrow too?" She softly asks as she looks at her plate. "Yes. I don't want you to leave." I say as I look up at her. "I know. Believe me there is nothing more I want then to stay here with you." Max explains as she meets my eyes. I could see sadness in them. "Then stay." I suggest as I lay my hand on hers. "I can't El. My flight has already been booked and I don't have any money to get another one. And the friend who's looking out for my mom will go on a vacation tomorrow, so I need be back to take care of her again." Max explains with a sigh. "It's not fair that you have to take care of her." I softly say as I squeeze her hand softly. "Nothing about my life is fair. I'm just glad I had the chance to come and see you. If I didn't we maybe wouldn't be girlfriends." She chuckles softly. "I always liked you. So it would have happened the next time I had seen you." I chuckle. She smiles softly. "I'm glad things worked out the way they did. This trip was really what I needed. To escape everything back at Hawkins and to just be with the only person who really makes me happy." Max smiles. "I'm glad you came when you did too and helped my out at the skate rink. I think Angela her nose will remember that." I giggle. "I'm sure she will. I swear if she or anyone ever bullies you again I'll murder them." Max states as she looks at me. "Thank you Max, but because of you I also got my powers back, remember? No one knows yet tho. But I'm glad I got them back." I smile. Max smiles too as she looks at my hands. She licks her lips as her cheeks turn a soft red. I look at her as I follow her gaze. I smirk as I knew exactly what she was thinking about.

Yesterday night things got heated after we gave each other those gifts. Max looked so hot in that outfit that I couldn't help myself so I pushed her against the wall and we started making out. My hands roaming her body and finding their way to her ass again. Squeezing softly as she softly hums against my lips. Hunger grew in Max her eyes as she took the lead. She felt confident and sexy in that outfit and I could tell. She pushed me onto the bed as we never broke the kiss. Her straddling me. My hands on her ass and her hands in my hair. She unbuttoned her top
buttons from her blouse to reveal her bra underneath. My heart was pounding so fast when she did that. My hands unbutton the rest of her blouse as she looked at me doing it. My hands traveling across her bare skin. She bites her lip when her hips slowly move against my hands. I could feel her move on top of me, which awoke something inside of me that I didn't know was there. My stomach twisted as breathing got harder. I gulp as I pull her face back to mine. We made out for the whole night.

Max her eyes shot back at my eyes as she smirks softly. "I really don't want to miss you." She whispers as she brushes her fingers over my hand. "I don't want to miss you either." I whisper as I look at her. "Let's try to not think about me leaving tomorrow okay? Let's try to make today a really fun day, filled with good memories to look back on, Okay? That'll keep me strong when I'm back in Hawkins. And you bet your ass I will write you everyday and call you with Dustins stupid but very cool invention. Since I have to hang out with him more now, since I kinda promised him to join his DND club if he bought me plane tickets." she chuckles. I chuckle as well. "I'll write you everyday too and call you. The things you do for me are adorable. You hate DND." I giggle. "Well I never tried it so I can't really hate it yet, but yes- The things I do for you, my love, are astounding ." She giggles. I smile. 

"You know that I have my powers back right." I whisper as I meet her eyes. "Yes?" She asks confused. "I can meet you in your mind." I smile softly. Her eyes lit up. "Oh my god you can. I totally forgot! I can still see you that way. Oh god I'm so happy that you're a superhero." She beams as she held my hand tight. "Superhero?" I smile. "Yes! My wonder woman, remember?" She smiles. I nod. How could I forget. "It won't be the same, but at least I get to see you and if we are really connected, you can see me too." I explain. "If I really focus I can feel when you are searching for me in your mind. So whenever you really need me, just try to really focus on the thought of me and I will do my best to meet you there." I smile as Max gazes at me. "I still can't believe how cool my girlfriend is. I have a fucking superhero girlfriend. That's so sick." Max smirks. "But yes, I will El. Thank you. Although, I am not sure if I could concentrate when I'm thinking about you." She smirks as she interlockers our fingers together. I smirk too. "You're crazy. I love you." I chuckle as I give her a playful push. She giggles as she meets my eyes. "I love you too." Max smiles. "That's cute, but also very sad for me." Steve suddenly came walking in with the rest of the people. "Why is it sad for you? Huh? Because, You can't get a girlfriend?" Max jokes as she smiles at Steve. "Or boyfriend, I don't judge." Max shrugs. "Shut it Mayfield, and yes that's exactly the reason why it's sad for me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to cry in a corner now." Steve jokes as he winks at Max. Max chuckles as she looks at me again. 

Robin and Will were unpacking the groceries as Mike walks up to us. "Hey." He softly says as he looks at both me and Max. "Hi Mike." I say as I was still upset with him about what he said to Max. Max was cleary also still upset. She gives him a quick nod. "Sup." She mumbles. "Uhm, so I talked to Robin and we can totally get pizza tonight for Max her last day here.-" He says softly as he avoids eye contact. "That's nice." I reply with a soft smile. "Celebrating my leave with pizza? While you get to stay here. Yeah, so amazing." Max mumbles sarcastically as she grabs her plate and dodges Mike to walk to the kitchen. Mike sighs softly as he looks at me. "I didn't mean it like that- I just wanted her to have a fun last day with good food." He explains. I nod softly as I know he was trying to be nice. "I know Mike. She's just going through a lot and we will miss each other a lot while we just became girlfriends not to long ago. It just doesn't seem fair for her to leave this early. " I explain when I look at him. He nods as he walks away with a thinking face. I bring my plate to the kitchen too as I meet Max talking to Robin. I look at Max as her eyes look distant. I wanted to cheer her up. I interrupt their talk by grabbing Max by her wrist and pulling her with me. "El- I was talking to Robs- what are you-" She chuckles softly as I pull her along. "Sorry Robin, she will be back." I smile as I lead her up the stairs. Robin her eyes follow us as she chuckles. "Don't swallow each other please."  She chuckles as she resumes unpacking the groceries. 

"What are you up too? I was in the middle of a conversation." Max chuckles. "Don't pretend that you mind that I pulled you away." I smirk softly. She rolls her eyes playfully. "I hate when you are right." She smirks. "actually that's a lie. I love when you're right." Max smiles as she meets my eyes.  "But why did you lead me up here all of the sudden?" She asks with a smile on her face. I smile as I turn around and press a button on my radio.  Music started playing as I turn around and hold both Max her hands. "I want to dance with you. I want to do things we didn't do yet as girlfriends. Starting with dancing together." I smile as I move her arms along to the music. I skip along to the music as I saw the smile on Max her face grow. "You really are crazy you know that." She smirks as she just stands there and let me move her hands. "Crazy about you. Now are you going to stand there and be pretty or are you going to dance with me?" I smile as I move to the beat of the music. Max gave me a bright smile as she starts to dance along with me. I smile as I saw her pretty ginger hair move along with her movements, reflecting the sun that came through the window. She interlocks her fingers with mine as we twirl around the room together and dance around like we were all alone in the world. 

//AN: What else should they do on their last day together in California? Let me know, before Max needs to leave El again :( Hope you like this chapter tho! <3

Love you all, thank you so much for 9,2k readers! Means so much to me!

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