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Wait, does Kevin even count as a dragon?” I asked stupidly.

“Yes, Kevin is a dragon.” tedros answered exasperatedly.

“So how are we supposed to go about taking his front tooth?” I asked again, this time more judgmental.

“I don't know, just rip it out.” he suggested as we both unbuckled ourselves from Kevin's saddle.

“Okay you get the tooth and i'll try and keep him calm. I'm going to grab all the items first incase he turns back into a cat and we lose everything.'' I said as I dug through all our bags.

“And you're not worried about maybe falling to our deaths?” he asked sarcastically as his voice grew in pitch.

“I can break our fall.” I said leaning over him as I showed him my glowing finger.

“Right.” he responded as he moved to the back so that i could sit in the front to manage kevin.

Once I secured the obsidian dagger in my belt along with the vines I stuck the turquoise hair extension in my hair and looked back at the tedros who was standing up as he held onto my shoulders.

“You ready?” I ask as he begins shifting his footing.

“As long as you've got my back.” he answered as he kissed the side of my head and jumped off the saddle and caught himself around the dragon's neck.

I watched carefully as Tedros climbed across Kevin's long neck all the way to his head. He was gripping onto the scales which i could tell was causing kevin some minor irritation so i cooed him to distract the dragon from what we were doing.

“y/n?” tedros asked suddenly as my head shot towards him.

“What do you need?” I asked quickly as I watched him intently as he turned his head to face me although he was hanging upside down at the base of Kevin's neck where it met the large head.

“He wont open his mouth, I need you to force it open.” Tedros said clearly, struggling to keep facing me. I nodded quickly and began using the wind to force his mouth open.

“You're right this is hard to open.” I said as I grunted trying to force the wind into his face.

“y/n the wind is too strong for me to open my eyes, you're going to have to tell me when his mouth is open.” he said to me with distress in his voice.

“Are you really going to do this blind?” I asked as I managed to force Kevin's mouth open a little bit.

“I have to or else his mouth will snap shut again.” he said.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now