Introduction/ Author's Note:

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Ahh, I'm so excited about this book. I love Ivy's and Kai's characters and their romance so much!!! Hopefully, you will too.

Okay, if you're from the other books in the WF Series, then you already know the drill. If not, I just wanted to point out some things for the story. I recommend everyone read this page, especially the trigger warnings.

1.) All pictures used for the cover and aesthetic/casting do not in ANY way belong to me.

2.) This is a bit different than the rest of the books. You'll see once you begin reading.

3.) In Worse for Better and Worse for Hope, everyone calls Kai Eldon. His actual name is Kai and his middle name is Eldon. When I had first written Worse for Better, I didn't know it would become a series so 14-year-old me named him Eldon and I truly do not like that name so I decided to change it.

4.) There is strong language used in this book, as well as detailed sexual scenes. Please don't read if you feel uncomfortable though from the comments on the other books on this part, I'm sure most of you don't mind.

PLEASE READ- 5.) Trigger Warnings: Panic attacks, homicide, anxiety, death, guns, depression, suicide, murder, eating disorders, and PTSD. If any of these trigger you in any way, shape, or form, please do not read.

6.) This is the first draft. I will edit it and make changes later so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. If there are, please let me know because I do appreciate people who point them out to me.

7.) Like I've said, keep the comments to the characters and characters only. Some people have been a little...aggressive in the first book. I don't mind criticism. A lot of your comments make my day and I encourage everyone to comment because it shows me people are actually reading. Just not so harsh. Also, there's a reason you can read the series out of order. If you don't want to read one of the books, DON'T.

8.) There are definitely some lengthy chapters so beware. This book is also the longest so far, just a heads up.

9.) This is kind of a good boy bad girl trope and I've never really written one of those so I hope you like it.

I hope you enjoy. I had so much fun writing some scenes in this book and I hope you love them as much as I do.

Again, thank you for reading<3

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now