Chapter 1: Running into him

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If anyone is reading this, here is an update :)


"Where are you two going?" Daniel asked curiously.

"Out" Beau answered.

"I'll come" Luke said getting excited to finally do something interesting.

"No way, this is just gonna be Em and I" Beau said as if Luke was stupid for even asking to come.

"Have fun on the date" James said cheekily.

Daniel jumped up from off the couch, like a defensive instinct and came face to face with Beau "What's going on with you two?" He asked seriously.

"We are totes dating" Beau said mocking the typical American bimbo accent.

Of course Daniel was oblivious to Beau's joke because he actually punched Beau. Luckily not in the face but he did get a good, clean punch in the stomach. Beau stumbled back from the impact but soon regained his balance, he had a smug look plastered on his face.

"Skip, I was joking, we aren't dating........we are just friends.............with benefits" he said quickly. He tried to hold in a laugh, he gently gripped onto my elbow and pulled me out the front door really quickly before Daniel could react. Once he slammed the door shut he burst out laughing.

"That. was. so. good" he said in between laughs. Beau was clenching onto his stomach fighting a loud laugh in.

"We got him so good" he said after finally calming down.

"Why did you do that?" I asked as I was completely lost from his actions and words.

"It's so funny how protective he is of you, plus I just love pissing him off" Beau exclaimed.

His tanned hand dived into his pocket of his tight fitting black jeans, soon he pulled out his black car keys. He erected one finger and then pushed in down onto the button. There was a clicking noise to make us aware that his car was unlocked.

"Hop in" he said, he then walked around his automobile and got in himself.

I obeyed what he said and copied his actions. The handle to his door was silver and extremely cold, my finger tips trembled at the touch. I pulled the door open and then sat comfortably down in the passenger seat. I pulled the door closed before clicking my seat belt in.

Beau put the key in ignition "20 questions?" he asked as it was an easy game to keep the conversation going in the car ride. "Actually, that's a really good idea, I don't know much about you Em" he said. I didn't know that much about Beau either, just like the obvious stuff like he loves english accents and he loves lala, which by the way is his dog.

"You first" I said.

"Alright, Favorite animal?" he asked.

Instantly I replied "Pussy" before I had the chance to say cat, Beau bursted into uncontrolable laughter "CAT, Pussy cat I meant" I said to defend myself. Good one Em!

"Pussy it is then, mine are dogs" he replied with a bit of a chuckle at the beginning.

"Okay, Favorite food?" I asked.

"Extra Virgin Olive Oil" he said confident. I laughed.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"No, I actually prefer worms as a snack" he said cheekily.

"Same" I replied self consciously. Biggest mistake.

"I didn't mean to say that, I-" he cut me off.

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