Chapter 12: With a new guy and a friend back

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"You really told him that it would have been the biggest mistake of your life if you slept with him?" Lacey asked in disbelief.

We walked into the school grounds and many people were standing and smiling as I walked past. "I know I'm stupid" I admitted.

"Great Party" A random said to me as we walked past. I hated this kind of attention but at least it was positive attention.

"You are stupid" Lacey agreed.

We entered the school corridor and again the same kind of attention.

"Your party must have been better than I thought if everyone is smiling at you" Lace commented.

"Definitely agreed, I didn't think it was that good" I replied.

We walked through the corridor full of people.

"Watch where you step, your shoe lace is untied" Lacey warned me. So I looked at my shoes and walked.

"Watch Out!" I heard Lacey say before I was face to chest with a person.

When my face hit this guys shirt I could tell he was fit because my face hit pure rock. I started to imagine what pack he had. 6 pack? Maybe 8?

Right, I should apologise. "Sorry" I said and I looked up.

This boy had brown combed up hair which some parts fell naturally curly, he had lovely hazel eyes, his teeth were perfectly straight. He smelt really good, he had a boyish good smell. Just by his build I could tell he was in his senior years and by the look of his biceps he definitely worked out and he sported his school uniform different to the way I've seen it around these corridors. There is just something about him that made me drawn to me, maybe the fact that he ran his fingers through his hair and I watched his smile gradually grow.

"Are you done yet?" he asked with a smirk.

"Sorry, finished what?" I asked confused.

"You are checking me out" he replied.

I could feel my cheeks turn crimson "Sorry" I apologized.

"You've apologized to me three times already" he commented.

"Sorry" I said again.

He laughed "What's your name?" he asked with a smolder.

"My name?" I said and then gulped, he wanted to know my name"I'm Emma, Emma Sahyoune" I replied.

"Well, Emma, Emma Sahyoune, I'm Collin Chambers" he introduced himself.

Just at that moment the bell rang and Collin adjusted the strap on his shoulder.

"Well, I better go" I said.

"Yeah me too" he replied and we began to walk off our separate ways.

"Oh and Emma" he said and I spun around.

"Yeah?" I called out.

He walked up to me and leaned in, only to my ear, he whispered "Feel free to check me out any time".

"Feel free to check me out too" I said with a cute ring.

Stupid thing to say, why did I say that?

He smirked "Oh I will" he said and walked off.

"Hot" Lacey exhaled.

"He is so sexy" I admired.

"Did that just happen?" I asked disbelievingly. That cute boy just said he would be checking me out.

Being A Sahyoune (Janoskians Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora