Chapter 19: Defining the relationship

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After recent situations I've come to the conclusion that life is way too short to be living it easy. I love sneaky out to see Beau, it adds adventure to my life and the rush I get completes the feeling.

So last night I climbed out my bedroom window, I grabbed my penny board and I skated all the way to Glenroy. When I made it to the Brooks house it was 11:26pm and I tapped on Beau's window. I looked in and I saw him sprawled out on his bed playing FIFA. He had messy bed hair from an earlier nap and he looked mighty fine in his soccer shorts. I watched as his smile grew when he saw me at his window.

"I was wondering when you'd get here" he said with a smirk before helping me climb through his small window.

Once my feet were firmly planted on the floor Beau cupped my jaw and pulled me in. My arms snaked around his neck and my fingers ran through his hair in perfect pleasure. There was definitely chemistry in our kisses, I know I felt it and I hoped he was feeling it too.

After, things got a bit heated and we were on his bed just mucking around, nothing experimental just the safe stuff. I actually thought we were going all the way that night until he pulled out.

Breathlessly he began to talk "Emma, I really really like you, but I'm not ready for a relationship, nothing committed" he said and leaned back in. That's when I pulled out.

When he saw me pull out he was confused "You're cool with that right?".

I was not cool with it "Yeah I'm cool with it" I lied. How come I couldn't tell him how I really felt? The thing is, I want a relationship with Beau. I wasn't going to let him take me for all I am if it wasn't going to be serious. Not another bang for the Brooks.

"I'm getting a bit tired, I'm gonna head home" I told him and I got up off his bed, readjusting my shirt.

I think he was confused about the whole situation and the way I was acting because when I slipped out his window he didn't say anything he just sat there and watched.

It was then, as I was skating that I knew I had to move on. He defined the relationship and it's was clear from there. I knew that I wasn't going to allow myself to sit on my couch and watch cheesy movies, crying over a boy who wasn't committed in the first place and I understand. We were never going to be something serious.


Today at school was great. I started off by waking up on time and heading into my bathroom for morning rituals. I walked back into my room and put my uniform on before I tidied up my birds nest or what other people call hair. Surprisingly the straightener actually worked and I was left with a kink less pony tail. I applied my foundation well and I curled my lashes with some mascara. My lips were moist from my paw paw cream, I slung my bag over my shoulder before heading downstairs to leave for school.

"Morning Em, you look-" Daniel searched his brain for a compliment.

"Alive" I teased. Since the accident or at least that's what I called it, I will never know what actually caused the fire and in the back of my mind I don't think I'll ever let go. I want to know who or what started the fire, I haven't really asked about it. In the house I think Daniel respects that it's a sensitive subject so he hasn't brought it up but every time I walk past our black living room, well it's not very living anymore, I just get a bad feeling.

Daniel faked laughed before changing the subject "So can I take you to school?" he asked.

I found myself just staring at our burnt lounge room. The place was cleared out by the fire man so there was no furniture, surprisingly our TV was saved but everything else was lost. The walls were black and even the roof was darkened.

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