Chapter 14: Two words can change how you think

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So maybe last night didn't as Lacey and I and even Beau planned but it still ended up to be a really good night.

Beau and I were heavily making out on his door step and by heavily I mean he took my jumper off and was going to continue. In the moment we broke away and I adjusted my top there was a knock on the window to my right.

Beau and I both looked and saw Jai knocking and waving and even Luke was smiling so I had the impression that they didn't see us kissing. Beau sighed and laughed before we both waved back.

We didn't really talk before I kissed him so it was slightly awkward when we did.

"We should um-" I began.

"Yeah" Beau agreed before opening the front door.

As soon as I entered the house I was comforted by welcoming arms belonging to Luke.

"Hey" he whispered in my ear.

"Hey" I replied when we pulled away.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here Emma" Jai said while hugging me.

"Sorry to drop in like this" I felt like I was imposing.

"Don't be sorry dear, the boys are just about to go out and watch Warm Bodies" Gina said before embracing me in a brief hug as she had soup on the stove.

"Em, you should join us" Luke invited me.

"I don't want to impose" I replied.

"Seriously Em, you won't be imposing" Beau said and he touched my arm as reassurance.

"Yeah, come on" Jai piped in.

"Alright" I said with a big smile. I has never felt this welcomed sound the boys.

"Good" Beau said and handed me back my jumper but it wasn't really awkward.

"Right let's go" Luke said uncertainly. I think he had thoughts on as to why Beau had my jumper but he wouldn't have had any idea. Not like it was obvious.

Luke and Jai left the house first and I followed Beau into the lounge room to grab his jacket off the couch. When he faced me I froze.

"Emma, what's wrong?" he asked.

Beau's hair, it was all messy. It was messy because I ran my fingers through them, it wasn't flat and side swept, it was all over the place.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered to him.

"What are you sorry about?" Beau asked, now he was in front of me his hands were placed on my elbows and he bent down to get a better look into my eyes.

"Your hair" I whispered and pointed to his hair.

"What?" asked and placed his right hand on his head which flattened his hair slightly.

"When I ran my fingers through your hair-" I began but stopped because it was enough. That one line made me turned on and I can tell Beau was turned on too.

He laughed "Listen, Luke and Jai are really oblivious. They won't pick up any signs" he reassured me.

"Not even the obvious signs like you having my jumper or me adjusting my shirt or even your hair" I tested.

"Trust me, now they might have some ideas because we aren't right out" he said and slung his arm over my shoulder and we walked out of the house.

"Emma's front seat" Beau called out and Jai jumped from the front seat of Beau's car to the back seat beside Luke.

"Emma, with the responsibility of front seat, your duty is control the radio and put good music on" Luke instructed.

"Right" I said and switched through the radio stations.

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