Chapter 13: Making a good choice

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"See it wasn't so bad" Daniel said on the drive home.

"I had to wear little clothing just so we could be friends again. It was a real eye opener, they only like me for my body, not my personality" I told him.

"What ever, it's all good in Emma Land now" Daniel said.

I desperately wanted to get out of this car so I could get ready for school and go. So maybe the whole night I was thinking about Collin.

I quickly had a shower once we were home and I put my uniform on. I skipped breakfast and dashed straight out only to meet eyes on a familiar car parked in our driveway.

"Get in" Beau said with a smile once he saw me.

Luke was in the passenger seat so I was back seat buddies with Jai. I graciously got in the car and day on the right side.

"Hey" I said cheerfully and I got a chorus of heys back.

"So last night went well" Jai whispered with a smile.

"I guess" I replied.

Then Luke randomly turned the music up drowning out Jai and I's conversation.

As soon as we made it to school Luke and Jai jumped out. I was about to as well but Beau stopped me.

"Em can I talk to you?" he asked.

"Sure" I replied.

"Well remember how last night I said we should be friends?"


"Well I lied. I don't want to be friends, I want to be......more" he replied.

I didn't know what to say. Beau had an effect on me to make me happy all the time or to make me sad. It was as if he were my kryptonite. Normally in this situation I would kiss the boy but I didn't, I said something.

"I don't know how I feel just yet but when I catch up to you I'll tell you" I said.

With a nod of satisfaction he said "Good bye Emma" and he drove off with a smile.

Good thing I didn't say the wrong thing.

As soon as I reached Lacey no focus was on me, all focus was on a particular jock, Collin.

"Your life is so good Em, I mean Collin wow" she said.

"I mean we barely know each other" I told her honestly.

"He is walking over here" she squealed.

I watched as the jock walked near us and when he saw me he gave me a side nod meaning to follow him. He then slid his fingers through his hair.

"You got it good. Tell me everything that happens" she squealed.

So I followed Collin, there was a distance between us as we both walked into the school janitors closet and you can guess what happens there.

"You ready?" he asked.

Was he really expecting me to do this with him now in the janitors closet? You know I always expected my first time to be romantic and under different circumstances. Then the only thought or person who popped into my head was Beau.

If I were to do this I would betray him.

I watched a Collin began to unzip his school pants and yes I was flattered that he wanted to do this with me but I couldn't so I made an excuse.

"I'd love to but I'm on my rags" I lied.

"Oh" he said awkwardly and zipping up his pants.

"Well we can still do this" he said and crashed his lips on mine.

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