Chapter 25: All is good in Emma's World

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Okay lets get one thing settled, Beau and Emma have only been in a serious relationship once, Emma is a sucker for second chances so that's why she keeps giving their love a chance.


I knew people were saying it and it's because it's exactly how I felt. I was a slut. Technically, by dictionary terms I wasn't but over the course of three months I've been with four guys, only serious with one.

As much as I tried getting Beau out of my head, it wasnt possible. Every part of my body was telling me that I made the wrong decision. Every touch, every kiss, I didn't want it. But I was happy, or maybe that was the lie I was telling myself.

We walked to school together, I didn't want everyone to know. Maybe I was the player, playing everyone's hearts.

You know how in the movies the girl says that she wants two guys fighting over her. Don't ever wish that upon yourself, I've been there and it sucks. Because when you make the wrong choice your stuck.

The walk to school took longer than normal because Jai walked at a slower pace. We got there just in time for the bell to ring.

"Bye" he said with a little wave and we parted, it just felt like we were friends.

I walked along the outskirts of the building, I didn't care that I was late.

"Emma" a puffy voice called from behind me, a voice that has been avoiding me, the only voice that I've ever wanted to hear singing me to sleep.

I spun around quickly on my heal to see the most perfect thing ever in my life.

"Emma" I heard Jai call from the other direction.

So there they were, the two brothers waiting for me.

"Okay I'll start" Jai said as we were both eagerly waiting for what we had to say.

"I thought we could salvage what we had when we were kids but it feels like my heart moved on long before my head. Emma I don't want to use your heart, let's just go back to being friends" Jai suggested.

"Jai, I was wrong, I wanted to give us a chance too but for the wrong reasons, I know now that I didn't want to be lonely but if I were to be alone, I want to be alone with Beau" I told Jai because they were the words that formed in my mouth, finally for the first time in a long time I was telling the truth.

He embraced me in a hug "Instead of being friends, can we be best friends?" I suggested to Jai.

"The very best" he said before hustling back to class.

I turned around to face Beau.

He huffed before speaking "Emma, that moment I said those words I instantly regretted it. When I sat in my car all I wanted to be was beside you with our hearts touching. Emma, I love you"

There are those perfect 3 words again.

I never thought it was possible but at that moment I was overjoyed an it wasnt a lie, my heart was singing and my eyes were smiling.

"Jai showed me the photo..." he said trailing off.

"I'm sorry that I didn't believe you" he said.

"No, I'm sorry for not fighting for you, my heart is tired of getting traded for, I just want to let it rest and do its job, to love, and that will only happen if I'm with you" I said honestly.

"I need to be with you Emma" he said stepping closer.

"You are" I said and I pressed my lips against his.

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