Chapter 29: A fist for a fist

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Detention. That is how my Monday afternoon began. My morning, didn't start off too well.

It all started when I was woken by my mother. Obviously forgetting about her harm to Beau's face, she remembered her rage towards me. That's why she woke me up to get ready for school by flicking my light on and off and on and off, until, she slammed the door shut.

"Witch" I mumbled under my breath, except I didn't say witch, be imaginative. I smiled when I saw Beau's arm around my waist. I remembered his bravery, courage. He woke up and similar to me, he woke up in a bad mood. One could say that he 'woke up on the wrong side of the bed' yet, my bed was firmly against my wall meaning there was only one way out of this bed and I think this is always the wrong side.

"I thought you said that you weren't going to read it" Beau slammed on me as I walked back into the room, from the bathroom.

"What?" I asked as I adjusted my mop of a hair.

"Her diary" he said grimly. This shut me up.

"So you knew" he was clearly angry. "You knew before I even told you yet you didn't have the decency to tell me. And to think, I let you cry in my arms" he said, disgusted in himself.

How was I to respond? "How are you angry?" I heard myself say.

"What?" he said, reluctantly getting out of my bed. "You're the only one who is allowed to angry around here Emma?" he said with fury.

"That's not what I meant" I said through gritted teeth. You would too if your gorgeous boyfriend used your best friend and you had to accept it, as though it didn't phase you.

"Let's not fight" I said after taking a deep breath.

"Why because you say so? Well no, I'm done listening to you. You complain that your life is so hard, yet, you are the only one making it difficult" this struck me by surprise.

I don't remember once complaining about my life being hard, at least, not to Beau. Finally, it all made sense. 'He didn't' I tried to tell myself but as I glanced over at my own diary I realised it had been placed in another position to where I left it.

"How dare you" I said, my eyes darting from the book to him. I felt as the bubbles rised from within me.

"Additionally, you said that you weren't mad when clearly you are" he added, matter-of-factually.

"On what page? A new one will be written by today called 'Boyfriend reads my diary'" I snapped at him.

"Lay off it Emma" he said pushing past me.

I didn't chase after him. I didn't want to see him again. I was so mad. In anger, I got ready for school, the first time in three terms that I wouldn't be attending with my best friend.

As suspected, immediately after begging for a ride off of Daniel, as I stepped out of the car I was getting stares. Not good ones either. I was the girl whose best friend killed herself. Or atleast that was what people where whispering. It hurt, how insensitive they all are, to just label Lacey like that.

From there my day pretty much went down hill. Thankfully, Luke and Jai were still on my side. I joined their group, as it was always just me and Lacey. I didn't have many friends. This, in turn, gained me another lot of stares. I didn't miss the jealousy.

At times, during class I would find myself crying, randomly. And I couldn't stop. Surprisingly, in Physical Education class, Collin was actually by my side. It was reassuring that I found comfort in him, a friendly comfort that is. Brody, he was pretty messed up too.

I first saw him just staring at Lacey's locker. I could have sworn that I saw a tear fall from his eye. Then he turned and faced me. That's when I saw his eye. It was purple, badly bruised. His lip had several cuts. He looked hurt. Throughout the day, I heard things about Brody, that was when they weren't talking about me.

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