Chapter 31: No more Carter Reed

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"What do you want Carter?" Beau asked. He looked so brave, I wanted to know if deep down he was scared. Maybe he was just filled with anger.

"I'm gonna kick your ass on the football fields" he said in a cocky tone.

"I highly doubt that" Beau replied.

"12 O'clock. Be there" Carter said confidently.

"And bring your girl to watch you hurt" he said, eyeing me.

Beau was about to jump him before Gina started asking who was at the door. "No one mum" Beau replied.

"No one mummy" Carter mimicked.

Just before Beau closed the door on his face Carter said "Oh and Beau, I'm your worst night mare"

Boy, was he right.


I stepped in front and I shut the door. Beau seemed calm yet determined, he had a crazy look in his eye, as if he was actually considering playing. Beau called James and Daniel, along with waking the twins up.

"Saddle up boys" Beau said as we all gathered in the lounge room. "We are playing football" Beau filled them in on the whole situation but they weren't that stupid to actually go along with Carter's plan.

"But I can't play football, I only play soccer" Daniel said once he heard. He was full of concern.

"Skip, It doesn't matter, we will win either way" Beau said shrugging it off.

"Plus, Luke and I played football so we have your back" Jai added.

"But I don't even know the rules, how to play" Daniel replied.

"You'll catch on" Luke said.

"James" I whispered to my side.

"Yeah?" he whispered back.

"I'm scared" I admitted.

"Me too" he replied.

"Come on, we only have an hour to warm up, let's head out" Beau suggested.

A part of me wished that the car would break down or that Carter would be too chicken to show up. I drove in the car with Daniel who was busting the music to 'get him pumped' as he puts in. I could tell that he was nervous but he was strong. I know Carter and I know he will play dirty, that's why I was scared, scared for them.

"You don't have to play you know" I said in attempt to stop him.

"I know but I want to have yours and Beau's back" he simply replied.

With my palms digging into my thighs, I sat nervously hoping that this car ride will never come to an end. Unfortunately, after the left turn we were already at the football fields.  Daniel parked beside Beau's car and turned the car off.

"Stop it, you're making me nervous" Daniel said, slapping my hands away from each other. I didn't realise it but I was nervously fumbling my fingers together the whole car ride.

With a steady exhale, we stepped out of the car and onto the grass. I noticed that Jai was carrying a bag full of equipment but his arm was shaking as he held it.

"You okay?" I asked as I approached him.

"Yeah" he said in a shaky voice.

"Okay, maybe not" he admitted.

"I'm listening" I added.

"Well, when we picked up the equipment from a mate he said that he has heard of this Carter Reed guy and Emma he is bad news, he is a sly dog who is going to cheat his way to win" Jai said.

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