Chapter 2: It was amazing

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I'm sitting in my room, highly bored, as per usual. Daniel went to the gym, mum and dad went out for dinner so I was home by myself. I texted Lacey to come over but she isn't free until after dinner so I have a further 39 minutes by myself. Any normal teenager would be like "PARTY" but if you haven't noticed already, I'm not a normal teenager.

I get up off my bed and scan my desk, begging that there is something there that can entertain me. I have checked my tumblr and twitter 4 times in the past 5 minutes, nothing new really happening there and Facebook is full of annoying girls who post irrelevant stuff. If you hate those people who post their whole life on facebook or as if their status is their dairy, please join the club. (I'm president)

Nothing. I have absolutely nothing to do.

Suddenly my phone buzzes causing me to jump slightly. I'm not chicken, it's just that when the whole house is quiet and there is a sudden movement or noise it just gets you jumpy.

I dived onto my bed and grabbed my phone.


If I bring us pizza, can I come early? x

Pizza and my best friend. Who would say no to that offer?


Why do you even ask?

No longer than 6 minutes later Lacey arrived, bringing with her 2 pizzas. Oh they joys of having a perfect best friend.

"Lacey" I exclaimed as I took the pizzas out of her hands making it easier so she could enter the house.

"How are you go-" I was going to continue but Lacey cut me off with squealing. She was holiding onto my hands jumping up and down.

"Guess who was asking about you" She said still jumping up and down.

"Who?' I said uninterested. I never get as excited as she does for things, she gets excited for me. Like when I was going to the Rhianna concert she was counting down the days for me. I invited her to come to the concert with me but it was the night of her grandma's 80th birthday so sadly she missed out.

Getting back on track she finallly replied. "Marcus, he was asking all these questions about you" she said in a squealing voice.

A gush of butterflies hit my stomach and flew around inside. "Really?" I asked excited but not half as excited as she was.

Smugly she said "My matchmaking skills are the best"

"You should host a match making TV show" I said sarcastically but this only raised her excitement.

"I really should" she was too excited to hint any of my excitement.

I decided the best way for her to calm down was for us to just sit down and watch our movie, whilst eating this yummy pizza. 

We were half way through 'Clueless' when the front door was opened.

"So this chick was full on me and she was like kissing all up my neck. After we were making out for a bit she goes 'so you know your friend Beau, do you reckon you could give me his number?' I threw the girl off me and stuck my rude finger up at her and walked off. No joke I thought she was into me"

Yes, the voice belonged to my idiot brother.

"What can I say? The chicks dig me" A familiar voice replied. Is it strange that I felt a pinch of jealousy?

"Hey Sissy" Daniel said as he entered the living room.

The smell of his sweat filled the room causing my pizza to taste bad. "Yuck, go upstairs and have a shower NOW" I demanded.

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