Chapter 16: Burst into Flames

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Beau's P.O.V:

She led me into her room and gave me permission to do the things I imagined doing to her.

I began to sweetly kiss along her jawline not drawing near her lips though. As I planted the kisses a pleasurable smile appeared on her face.

I then kissed down her neck and along the line of her chest. I could tell she was getting nervous so I made my kisses gentler just to ease her nervousness. Tonight would be an unforgettable night.

As I kissed along her chest my nose was filled with an odd smell. I pulled back to inhale again because Emma smelt like roses and I didn't want that smell getting me confused.

It was just as I thought, it smelt like smoke.

"Do you smell that?" I asked her.

"No" she replied before inhaling deeply, after that both our minds ventured to the worst thing imaginable.

She jumped off her bed and ran for the door, I followed her out and we looked over the balcony to downstairs. I saw a strong flicker in the corner of my eye and soon what I imagined made me believe. I jolted down the stairs and stood there frozen when I saw it. Emma pushed passed me to get a better look.

At first all I saw was white clouds, all I felt was heat and all I smelt was smoke. The couche was on fire and it's flames were intense. The last time I looked at it was when Emma and I left Daniel and James asleep. I panicked, where are they?

There were harsh coughs coming from inside the lounge room.

"DANIEL, JAMES" Emma screamed.

"JAI, LUKE" I yelled. What if they were hurt or worse...

I watched as Emma took steps closer to the lounge room. She actually wasn't thinking about going in there was she? She could get hurt.

She placed her feet carefully, making sure she didn't step on any carpet.

"EMMA DON'T IT'S TOO DANGEROUS" I yelled but she ignored me.

I wanted to cry. What if that was the last time I would see her? I wanted to go in and get her or at least save my brothers but something was holding me back. The fear of dying but the fear of losing them all was too strong. I rushed in but stopped halfway because I saw Emma pulling someone out.

I chocked on some smoke when I saw Jai. He looked lifeless. I was relieved when he began to cough. I took him out of Emma's hands and pulled him out the rest of the way. He wasn't heavy so I dragged him out with ease and rested him at my legs in the foyer.

I looked over at Emma, begging her with everything I had to get out of there because the flames were growing bigger but she didn't listen to me.

"Beau" Jai coughed.

"Hey buddy, everything's going to be okay, I promise" I reassured him. It killed me to see him like this, in pain. I would have gone a life time without having to see my little brother in so much pain.

I picked him up and helped him in the kitchen. I opened the window to give him fresh air to clean his lungs from all the smoke and I gave him a glass of water. I then grabbed my phone and called the fire brigade.

"000, What's your emergency?" the polite lady on the phone asked.

In a frantic and panicked voice I sai "There is a big fire in the lounge room and there is my brother still in there and my 3 mates. Please send someone, we need help"

"What is your address?" the lady asked in sympathy.

I quickly told her the address and she reassured me that help was on its way.

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