Chapter 3: Kicked out

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"How do I look?" I asked Lacey as I stepped out of the bathroom.

Her jaw dropped. "I hate having such a hot best friend, nothing compares" she whined.

Lacey is the most beautiful girl, honestly she is, she has the best personality plus she is a hot b#tch. She doesn't see when guys flirt with her, she is so oblivious. We always have compliment wars as she can never take a compliment.

At this moment I just finished getting dressed for a little date with Marcus. Nothing special, okay maybe a little. But I know I can't get caught up with all these feelings because he is only here for three weeks.

We are just going to the movies, he was so cute when he asked me out. We were at the local park and he was showing off his new phone. I was already weak in his presence but he said "Do you wanna put your number in?" he was really polite.

So then I continued on the monkey bars after putting my number in his new Iphone5. That afternoon we were constantly texting back and forth. Daniel was getting angry cause I was on my phone and I wasn't listening to him. But when a guy like Marcus is texting you, you don't give up that opportunity.

So finally at 12:13am (After texting all night) he texts me "What are you doing tomorrow?" I reply that I didn't have anything on. Then he texts back "Up for a movie? :)" I was going to jump for joy. 

So I replied "Yeah :)" and then he texted me the details before saying goodnight.

"Are you fantasizing about Marcus?" Lacey asked even though she already knew the answer.

A very smug smile appeared on her lips "We will finally be related" she said proudly.

I hugged her tightly and said goodbye, I was meeting Marcus at the cinema which was a couple blocks away so I decided to walk there.

"Don't stuff this up" Lacey said before embracing me in another 'good luck' hug.

"Where are you going?" Daniel asked me without removing his eyes from his TV as I passed his room.

"Out" I said and continued walking out of the house.

He left up and followed me. I haven't seen him get up this quickly for anything, not even fried chicken.  

"You're not going with Beau are you?" he asked as he placed a firm grip on my arm.

"No, why do you ask?" I replied.

A look of relief escaped him eyes "Oh cause he bailed on me and I was just curious if he was going out with you"

Well I was gonna give Daniel some points, he used the word 'curious', but on other terms why did Beau ditch?  

Maybe he is seeing another girl. Another pang of jealousy hit me. Why do I even care? It's his life, it's not like that kiss meant anything. It was just to piss off Daniel. Plus I have Marcus.

Yet I do care.


I arrived at the cinema with 5 minutes to spare before the movie started. "Please be here" I silently whispered to myself. The last thing I wanted was to be standing around waiting for him to show up and then I miss the start of the movie because he still hasn't shown up.

But luckily through the clear glass I saw a figure, leaning against the wall with his phone in his hand. His hair was slightly flicked to the side, he wore a blue checkered long sleeve with dark jeans and black vans to complement the outfit.

As I pushed open the door it made a faint squeek but Marcus' head jerked up and an instant smile formed on his face when he saw me. It was the kind of smile girls like myself and Lacey would swoon over, I could feel my knees giving in.

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