Epilogue: One Day

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December 29th.

Dear Emma,

I cannot express how lonely Christmas was without you, I mean, our first Christmas together and I missed it. But, I will be home soon, you probably will receive this as I board the plane, either way I have New Years Eve and New Years with you.

Then I can watch as you open my present, I contemplated flying it over but decided against it as I wanted to hand it to you (Your present that is, not this letter).

Daniel misses you and although he won't admit it he really does. He hates himself for leaving you alone with your parents but I've sent mum to check up. I hope you haven't missed me too much and as you expressed in your last letter I find it extremely cute that you wear my jumper when you miss me.

Update on my stolen phone: it's still stolen. When I get home I'll probably just buy a new one.

I feel like an idiot, sitting here writing to you, actually it feels like we've gone back in time. Save these love letters for evidence of us. I miss you dearly my beloved. Casually taking a step back into history with my language. When did they write like that? 1800s?

Stay save and kick the boys who chase after you. All my love,


Sitting on Daniel's bed after playing his play station, I finished reading Beau's letter. After a while I found my mind reminiscing on the whole year and admiring how it turned out.

In the beginning I was just a girl who moved to Penola to get a better education in my senior years, then there was the fire, I never mentioned it but my parents were not impressed, I tried to defend myself and say that I saved people but no, I was grounded.

After that I was in a mangled relationship, caught between emotions that didn't make sense, I wouldn't say that I made wrong decisions because those decisions made me who I am today.

Then I chose Beau, it wasn't really a choice, I knew all along. He helped me through the loss of my best friend. One of the hardest things I had to go through, watching her descend into that hole. But it wasn't her, it was just her body. Lace is safe now and Heaven has another angel. Beau was my rock, most guys would have left when there is a hormonal teenager in hysterics but not this guy. He's my guy and he always will be. Even when he's not there, he's there. If that makes any sense.

I contemplated about writing a letter back but then it was a stupid idea considering he was on the plane flying home. So what about a welcome home party? Maybe not because we have new years in a few days any way. My stomach was flipping with joy, somersaults beyond compare. Finally I'd see him again.

I can't exactly express the feeling of missing someone. You have to actually experience it to understand. It's like when you see something that reminds you of the person who is gone, well it's like someone is grabbing your heart and squeezing it, twisting it, tearing it. Literally, it feels like that but maybe one hundred times worth. I hate the feeling yet I love it. Like I said, it's hard to explain.

You are all probably wondering, Jai? What happened with Jai? Well I'll break it down for you. We were at the airport, upon being very emotional already Jai let the cat out of the bag. It had more emotion so I will basically so in depth and explain it.

*At the airport, just before the boys take off*

Good byes are always hard, I try my best to avoid them. So how do you tell the guy you love good bye? Because naturally, at the end of a phone conversation you say 'bye' well how do you bid a person goodbye without actually saying it? You can't so I replaced love with words. I held Beau like I had never held him before, I cried into his lips both tears of sadness, longing and joy. I kissed him like I missed him. I actually kissed him like I'd never seen him before.

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