Chapter 18: I thought I lost you

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I left the hospital in tears. No one believed me, everyone thought that I was crazy. One nurse even tried to hand me medication, after I said no she slipped a brochure into my hand for the mental institution. I flipped out which convinced her even more so. I caught the next free shuttle bus home and I fell asleep almost straight away and for the first time I had a good night sleep.

I woke up refreshed, I didn't see Daniel when I closed my eyes so it was a sign that he was truly gone. I wondered why he was appearing to me, maybe I was insane and I was just imagining him. I went for a morning walk to clear my head. The cold breeze made my nose cold but the fresh air did me good.

At one point I heard a familiar bark. "Lala?" I whispered to myself.

I followed the bark and it led me to Jai holding Lala's leash.

"Jai" I exhaled in relief, I really needed a friend.

He walked straight past me as if he didn't even see me, it was as if I wasn't even there. I ran back and stopped right in front of him, he had no expression on his face and then something scary happened, he walked right through me. I touched my body and it felt real, my stomach felt a bit funny but I excused that feeling. I ran back to Jai and I tapped his shoulder. My arm went right through his shoulder.

It wasn't that Daniel wasn't real it was me, I wasn't real. I'm not there. It was as if I were a ghost. Watching life from the side lines.


Daniel's P.O.V:

I've spent countless weeks in this seat. My bum has turned num and I haven't had a hot shower in almost 2 weeks. It's been hard, especially when I've been alone. The boys have come round to comfort me and help with support and I honestly would have given up hope if they didn't show up to pull me through.

I know it's my fault, all of it.

The doctors said that it's healthy to talk to her and maybe get through to her cause she might be listening, I've basically just been pleading for her to wake up. It's forbidden to touch her though and that's what I've been longing to do. I fight back the tears as I see her in this state, it's physically exhausting to see her like this. I miss seeing her vibrant face and her crimson cheeks light up when I embarrass her. I miss telling her off for wearing short skirts, I miss her cute laugh when I say something stupid. I miss her and I feel like I've lost her.

I get up out of my seat for the first time in a long time, I probably look really bad as I haven't left the hospital in a long time, I haven't even seen the sun in so long. My knees are weak but I managed to walk over to her bed. She has no expression on her face, it's been like this for so many weeks. Her arm is outstretched on the white blanket and I have the urge to hold her hand, I miss her warmth.

I look around the room and no doctors are in sight through the window. I pull out my hand out of my pocket and I rest my hand on her bed. I creep my had closer to hers. I am so tempted to hold her hand, as a necessity. I slide my finger tips over hers and the first thing I feel is that they are icy cold. With one more glance out to window for any doctors I slip my hand over hers. Our palms are touching and although her hand is so cold I can't pull away. I place my thumb beneath her hand but her hand is flat. I feel as though I'm touching a lifeless body. I feel my hand slightly shaken. I glance down at my hand and as if it were a miracle I watch as her slim and shaky fingers curl over mine. My heart skips a beat, her first movement.

"Emma, Open your eyes, it's Daniel" I whisper. After no reply my excitement dies down and once again I lose hope.

"Emma please" I'm down on my knees still with my hand in hers begging for her to open her eyes.

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