Chapter 22: Summer Dance Desicion

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Beau and I haven't spoken since the night we shared the same bed (It wouldn't sound right if I said that we slept together, technically we did but not in the other context). It's not that I've been avoiding him and I hope he isn't avoiding me it's just that we've both been busy and we haven't shared the extra time together. Daniel has been over their house because their new single is coming out soon but I've just been busy with work, Lacey and surprise surprise Collin Chambers.

At first he is a player but when you peel back the layers he is actually really sweet.

The rays of early sunlight seeped through my blinds causing me to groan awake. It was finally Friday so unwillingly I got out of bed. I dragged myself to the free toilet, which yes is strange, Daniel is always in there before me, I only assumed that he stayed the night with the boys.

I got ready for school as per usual and I waited for my daily ride from Beau.....which never came. I waited countless minutes sitting on my door step waiting for the one familiar car to pull up in my driveway. I had given up hope with 39 minutes until school started to I decided to trek my way to school. Little did I know how uncomfortable walking with a blazor and a back pack can be uphill. The sun was burning through my sleeves and I knew soon, I would be perspiring.

"Stranger, wait up" a familair yet husky voice said from behind me.

I looked back to see Luke running with his bag over one shoulder, his tie half way down his shirt, the buckle to his belt un done, his hair scruffy and his shoe laces untied. I stood there laughing as he staggered down the street.

"Finally" he huffed once he reached me, he readjusted the bag on his back and continued to walk beside me.

"You look like you just woke up" I said trying to hold back my laugh.

"Really, I went to all the effort to try and hide it" he said and pointing up and down to his body.

"You missed your alarm?" I guessed.

"And my ride..." Luke replied.

"Yeah well mine never showed up" I replied.

"It's weird for a bit I thought Beau was loved up on this chick but now I see him and he is back to normal, but he isn't angry or sad, he is good...I don't even know" Luke said randomly, maybe there was a purpose as to why he said it.

"Oh and you don't have to worry about you and me, I got over that. I think I felt obliged to feel that way because you saved me, I'm sorry" so both the Brooks brothers were over me, yet I wasn't over them.

"No, don't be sorry, I understand" I told him even though I didn't understand.

"Cool. So how is Collin going?" he asked, focussing the subject on me.

"Collin's great thanks for asking" I replied back, completely out of it. Beau was over me?

"So you know the dance is coming up," I began trying to draw the attention on him, who was he interested in now? "Who are you thinking about taking?" I asked.

Luke pondered on the question for a minute, tucking a strand of hair behind my ears I thought about it to. So now Luke was defintely out of the picture, Beau... I don't even know, I was left with Collin and that wasn't as bad as I originally thought.

"I might end up taking Maggie, she is sweet" Luke ended up replying. Maggie Halt was in my french class last term, her light brown hair was always long, cascading down her back. She has hazel eyes that are always smiling, she is always smiling. She is the sweetest girl and I'm happy for Luke to take her to the dance, not that he needs my permission.

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