Chapter 20: My life is a mess

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"Thanks for doing this for me Em, you didn't have to" Luke said as we made it to the front door of the party.

"It's okay, I wanted to" I told him, I placed my hand on the door knob and Luke placed his hand over mine. I smiled and we opened the door.

Immediately our ears were bombarded with Heavy music causing me to not be able to think straight. Luckily Luke was there to help me and guide me through the house. He held my hand as we swerved through tons of people, at first I was frightened but when I saw who Mercedes was I knew we were going to have to give her a show.

"Dance with me" I said to Luke and I pulled him on the dance floor. When I dirty grinded upon him I couldn't help but think of Beau and how I did this with him, no, I've moved on.

"So I can tell you've spotted who Mercedes is" Luke said as I danced with him, if you can even call this dancing.

"It's hard to miss a skinny, minny, booby, Blondie, bitter girl staring at us full blast" I shouted to him over the music. He laughed and nodded "That's fair" he replied.

I looked at her and I looked at me and I compared us, if others were to see that Luke previously dated someone like her and then going to someone like me, would like me a downfall on Luke's behalf. Personality wise, no. He does well with me, but action wise, just by the looks of her it's obvious that she has more experience. What he was even thinking about whilst dating her I will never know.

"What are you thinking about?" Luke asked me when we got some water.

"Am I an upgrade from her?" I asked and darted my eyes in Mercedes direction.

"Definitely, you are so much prettier and you are way funnier than any girl I've ever met" Luke complimented me.

I can't deny that Mercedes is pretty, she is really beautiful, if you can look past the b#tch vibe that she sets off than yes, she is pretty so by Luke saying that I'm 'So much prettier" is a big compliment.

But, I don't have any insecurities after Beau called me beautiful, I know I've moved on, or atleast I keep telling myself that but I hope that he still thinks I'm beautiful.

I looked at look who was looking at Mercedes who was looking at us and our hands which were held.

"Can I help you with something?" I called out, overly annoyed with the staring.

"Get off him" she called back.

"What? Sorry, I can't hear you over the loud music, did you say Get on him? Well if you insist" I called back and I hopped on Luke's lap.

"Hey" he whispered.

"Hey" I replied back. This is the closest our faces have ever been since we made out when I was drunk. My arms snaked around his neck and I took a moment to stare into his chocolate brown eyes, they weren't mesmerising like Beau's but they were doing a good job at pulling me in.

"I think we need to take it to the next level, for pay back purposes that is" Luke justified himself.

"Oh right sorry" I said and I leaned in.

"NOOOOO" I heard Mercedes scream and then I crashed my lips upon his. They were soft and they soon became moist, My bum rested on his crotch and I could feel him from beneath me which made me laugh inside the kiss.

"Open" I ordered him and sure enough he opened his mouth and I let my tongue slip in, kissing Luke was nice, it was relaxing and I enjoyed it. Unsurprisingly he is a really good kisser, both drunk and sober.

"You B#tch" Mercedes screamed.

"She really hasn't gotten over you" I mumbled into his lips, Luke simply replied with a moan.

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