Chapter 4: New Kids

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Marcus just kissed me.

Something felt missing, or wrong almost.

I wondered to myself as he said good bye and walked down up my drive way.

Was I suppose to feel fireworks?


"Wake Up" Daniel shouted as he smashed his pillow against my head.

I looked out at my window and I saw the light seeping through my blinds so it wasn't one of Daniel's tricks where he says "You're late for school" then I quickly get ready and realise it is 3am. He even goes to the trouble to change the time on my alarm clock.

"You have school dumbass" he exhales before dumping the pillow on my head and leaving.

It was my first day of year 10 at Penola, the reason as to why I left Coburg public is because Daniel got a bad education there and mum wanted me to excell in my last years of high school. I didn't mind because Lacey goes to Penola and it always has been hard not having my best friend at school with me.

Additionally, Marcus has two more weeks here and Lacey's mum Christine is letting Marcus come to Penola too.

Marcus is in the year above us so he will have classes with Luke and Jai. I just hope he doesn't find a Penola girl because I think I've developed feelings for Marcus. I continue to tell myself "Don't get attached" but I don't think I can't not.

I had to wait several minutes before Daniel got out of that bathroom, I mean seriously he takes forever. 

I grunt at him when I see him exit our bathroom.

Why can't I have an ensuite like other kids?

"What?" he says referring to my grunt. 

I point to the bathroom with my finger and he sighs.

"Em how many times do I have to tell you?"

"This doesn't just happen" I repeat as it was the thousandth time he has said it. We said those 4 words in unison as it was his common excuse. He nods in satisfaction.

Where is he going anyway?

I use the bathroom for morning purposes and then get dressed for school. I try to look my best for the first day of school but it's not easy. I venture out of my room and stand in Daniel's doorway to his room. As I'm just about to ask Daniel for a lift my mum's soothing voice travels up the stairs.

"Daniel, Emma" I hear my mum call from downstairs.

"What?" Daniel groans.

"Remember we have family dinner tonight, I don't care how you get there but we are going to meet at the RSL at 7pm sharp"

My mum always says that we don't spend enough time together and trust me I spend too much time with Daniel that my vocabulary is decreasing. We are that 'close' that he bought us matching uggs.

Back to the point, so my mum has been organizing family dinners at the RSL once a month. It always ends up as a disaster because dad always ruins it. He has to pick something up about Daniel's appearance and then torture him.

Like when Daniel got the tattoo of the dog, for "Dogs are gonna bark" my dad went off at him and said it was meaningless and of course Daniel being who he is fought back.

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