Chapter 21: Cuddle up to me

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Before I start the chapter off, this morning on twitter I was tweeting about how I was stuck on 4/5 and how I desperately wanted Luke to tweet me. Next minute, Luke tweets me 'I will tell Beau :)" and two minutes later Beau follows me. I fangirled like cray cray. Best day of my life.

Follow me on Twitter: @Obey_Janoskian

On with the story...

I woke up in sheer pain, it was as though one thousand knives were plunged into my stomach over and over again. The throbbing was constant and the pain could only mean one thing. I glanced over at my calendar, my fingers skimmed across the page, several dates haven't been crossed off as I can't really be bothered. And there was the dot on the 24th, only meaning one thing.

I hauled myself out of bed and I dragged myself along the cold floor boards leading to the bathroom. For once I had beaten Daniel. My elbows dug into my knees as the results were shown. I completed my morning rituals before making my way back to my room.

"Morning, looks like I slept in" Daniel yawned as he passed me in the corridor.

"Yeah we'll I didn't okay, because I'm not like you. Can you stop annoying me with your stupid stories" I snapped at him, half the things I said didn't even make sense.

"Woah, calm down" Daniel said in a husky voice before continuing his journey to the bathroom.

As I was adjusting my high pony tail I heard a loud and long "Oh" come from the bathroom, what did the light finally flick in Daniel? After I heard the toilet flush I pretty much payed attention to my exploded face of pimples, slightly over exaggerated there.

Daniel leaned on my door way "Hey sis" he said soothingly.

"What?" I asked aggressively.

"Are you PMSing?" he asked quietly because he knew he was treading on dangerous ground.

"GET OUT" I shouted at him and I tried pushing him out of my door way.

"I'll take that as a yes, so you don't need anything do you? Its just that mum used to do this stuff and yeah" he explained.

I felt bad, Daniel was just trying to help yet here I was, being my obnoxious self.

"Actually I'm going to need a ride to the store after school" I said quietly.

"Okay cool, I'll pick you up" he said, with a little wave he headed back to his room.

I finished up by putting on my uniform and slipping on my shoes. I slouched down the stairs when the door bell rang, I twisted the door knob and swung it open revealing Luke on my door step.

"Hey Emma," Luke said cheerfully "How are you?" he asked.

"Fine" I said, swinging the door open, then going to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got myself a yogurt. Luke joined me in the kitchen as I ate.

"I was wondering if you needed a ride to school?" he asked politely.

I pushed past him out of the kitchen and I looked out my front door, there, parked in my drive way was Beau who looked obviously displeased about having to drive me to school.

"No, I'll make my own way" I replied, slamming the front door shut. Luke awkwardly opened the door back up and just as he was about to leave he seemed concerned.

"Emma, are you sure okay?" he asked.

"Just Peachy" I replied, gently closing the door behind him.

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