Chapter 23: I gave him my all

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His hand was warm and the touch of his skin on mine made me more confident in my decision. He looked down on me and he smiled, his eyes were smiling.

I looked over to the boy in whom I reject, he was confused. "Why didn't she choose me?" he would be asking himself. It broke my heart to see him like this, but I had to be true to myself and there was no future with me and him.

"So that's it?" Collin asked with heavy eyes.

He took me to the dance yet here I was, holding another hand.

"Emma, talk" he pleaded.

I was loss of words.

"Fine, don't talk, I will. Emma, you are the one who makes me the person I want to be, with you, I am myself, there is no one I have to impress, there is no one that I have to prove a point to except you, I am Collin Chambers around you. If I were to lose you, I will go back to my old ways, playing the field because I have to try and fill the missing piece in my heart, in which you have. Before I didn't know any better and now I know what love feels like and I feel that with you, please"

What was he asking of me? Not to walk off when my own heart was begging me to.

"Collin" I began, having no idea where this sentence was heading "We are from two different worlds, the only thing we have in common is that we want to escape who we really are but the thing is, when I'm with Beau, I am, who I am and that's okay. This is why this needs to happen because if I stay, I will only be pretending about the way I feel about you because I don't feel the things you feel for me. I want to be true to myself and the only way to do that is to be honest. I don't want to lead you on Collin, I'm sorry" I said.

My heart raced when he gripped onto my arm, Beau pulled me away so I couldn't get hurt any further. I was torn between hurting someone who meant a lot to me or letting the best thing in my life slip away. Collin is a big boy, if he wants to feel love again he wont be playing the fields, he will be chasing the heart on the field that deserves his love. That girl wasn't me.

"Don't do this to me Emma, please" he begged.

I looked back, he was standing there for me, in a suit and skinny tie for me. I didn't deserve him, he deserves something better.

I gently slipped out of Beau's grip, I walked up to Collin, I stood on my tippy toes and I kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry" I whispered in his ear and I walked off. I just left him there, I was so cruel, but I knew I had to follow my heart and I couldn't stay out of pity, that would be wrong.

As we left over the microphone I heard "And the Summer Dance Hottest Boy is..." introduced Keely, one of the most popular girls in our school. It's amazing that the teachers actually allow winners for the hottest boy and girl, it just isn't right.

"Collin Chambers" she announced and the whole student body cheered. Beau and I stood at the exit but my focus was completely up on the stage. Slowly Collin walked up the stairs, it was obvious to me why he was crushed but he put the fake smile on and that won the crowd over. Standing now beside him with her tiara already on was Victoria Woolf. I was surprised yet proud to see her up there, Victoria was one of the girls who hung out with the popular girls but she didn't have a name herself. I've only spoken to her a few times but she is the sweetest girl and she is unbelievably pretty. I was proud that our school didn't vote for the main popular girls who always get the light, they gave it to Victoria, who deserved it.

I watched as Collin moved his eyes upon Victoria, he would look at me like that but this time, with Victoria there was an obvious spark and everyone could see it. Now instead of the fake smile Collin was wearing, he now had a true smile, shining through him.

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