Chapter 27: The best kept secret

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I got a bit emotional writing this.


The next 10 minutes were a bit of a blur. I just remember falling by here side, holding her wrists with a towel to try and stop the blood by putting pressure on them but no matter how hard I pressed, it wouldn't stop. I faintly remember Beau on the phone, I just screamed her name. Eventually, a man in blue picked me up off the ground, he handed me to Beau who took me to wash the blood off my hands. Downstairs was Lacey's parents and her younger brother. I stood frozen looking at my best friends family, they were all crying. I found myself crying with them. Beau tried to calm me down outside, which eventually I did.

We re-entered the house and there was a man in uniform talking to the family. He sent me a sincere smile before handing me a pink envelope. I knew it was one of Lacey's letters. Every year for my birthday, instead of a card she would give me a baby blue paper letter, written on it, in her perfect handwriting was a long list of memories and reasons as to why we have been best friends for so long. After adding her signature touch of spraying her favourite Paris Hilton perfume, she folded to note after signing her name and placed it in a pink envelope, a replica to one I was now holding in my hands. Except this time was different. Upon receiving her letters I would always be excited and happy, today I was devastated and sad. Just like every birthday letter she wrote my name in her nicest printing. You could smell the perfume off the envelope. I peeled open the envelope revealing a baby blue piece of paper.

 “Hey Em,

As you can tell it’s obviously not your birthday yet you are getting my world famous letter. I don’t know how any of this has panned out but I’m sorry. I know you are disappointed in me for doing what I did but I couldn’t live through this again. I’m sorry for going behind your back and doing what I did, I was going to tell you but I don’t know how. It wasn’t his fault. I hope when you find out, you don’t hate me. Hopefully you can forgive me.

Wow this is harder to write than I imagined.

Look after Toby for me, kick the girls asses if they break his heart. He is a good kid.

Em, Thanks for making my life worth while, I’m sorry for being so distant recently but you will understand soon. I will never forget you. Which other girl would stick by me for 7 years, listening to me cry about boys, giving me advice and being my conscience, helping me pick out the best dress for the parties and always being there for me, never letting me down and always being on my side.

I hope you don’t think less of me for what I did and what I’m about to do and I’m sorry if you are the one that finds me. Deep down, I know you will be, you are the only one that cares enough to check up on me.

I’m sorry if I make you feel weak but stay strong for me beautiful and if you and Beau don’t get married, I’ll be the one kicking his ass still.

I love you forever and always, you will always be my rock and my shield. Keep strong, shining and thriving.

You are always my number one girl and I’ll be watching over you.

Please forgive me, Love Lace!

By the end the handwriting was messier; I could just imagine her sitting upon her bed with her hand shaking as she wrote this. My tears began to fall upon the page but luckily enough, knowing Lacey, she put a cover of hairspray on the paper so it wouldn’t ruin. I held her letter to my heart as I cried. I then realised, this was her last letter, her last thoughts put on paper. She wrote it to me.

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