Chapter 6: Morning Confessions

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He slept here the whole night.

When the time came to 11:44pm and I was tired I just stared at my bed, contemplating on what to do. His body was sprawled out on my bed. None of my blankets were covering his body, yet he wasn't cold. I couldn't tell if he was passed out or if he was sleeping.

So I stood there for a good few minutes and the single most important question that was stuck in my mind was

What do I do?

I thought about telling Daniel and asking for his help but he would just get the wrong impression. Then he would hate Beau and Daniel and I will never be able to bond again like we did today. Then I considered the fact that if I were to sleep on the couch and my parents saw me, they would bombard me with all these questions which I wouldn't know how to answer. So I made my next move. 

I scurried down stairs, trying to be as quiet as I can. Being Daniel's sister, if there is one thing I have learned from him, it was how to sneak out of our rooms without getting caught. Even if it's for a midnight snack. I learnt where all the creeks in the floor boards were and I avoided them.

I felt like a spy, I checked my surroundings to see if anyone was there. I ducked under the table when I saw my mum make herself a cup of tea. She was there for about 10 minutes and my neck was getting sore for ducking. Finally she left and I swiftly evacuated from beneath the table.

I ran past the kitchen and entered into the lounge room. There, I grabbed the closest blanket and pillow I could and returned back to my room. It's hard to remember which floor boards creek and which don't. It's like trying to find out which plank has lava under it and if you step on the wrong one you die.

Luckily my situation wasn't life or death, but it was pretty damn close. I entered my room again and silently shut my door. Beau was still in the same position he was in before I left for my mission to get a blanket and pillow. I admired how peaceful he looked. How his hair remained in a side swept position even when he wasn't awake and how I imagined his shimmering green eyes hidden beneath his eyelids.

I shook my head in pity. Did I just think all those things about Beau?

I refocused on the task at hand. I am actually grateful now that my Aunt Helen bought me a bean bag, I used to think it was a waste of space and room but it could help in giving me a good night sleep. I placed the bean bag in a comfortable position for my body, I also placed my pillow down. I rested my head on the pillow and I adjusted the bean bag several times before covering my body with a thin blanket.

I guess I'll just have to make the best of it.

At a slow pace, I drifted off to sleep.

"Ugh" A loud husky voice groaned, awaking me from an uncomfortable nights sleep.

I rip my eyes open and look around. The view of my room is different from on the floor. Then I see Beau, well I try to. The sun is seeping through my blinds behind him so I see a bright light from behind him. I sit up right and I see that he has too. I don't think he has noticed me.

He looks so confused and he has the most attractive bed hair. He lifts his arm and he is rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh Emma" Beau said with realisation that I was there, it was my room. Where else would I be?

I didn't know what to say, my mouth was dry so nothing came out.

"What happened?" he asked. The poor guy must be so confused. Serves him right for getting drunk.

I had some questions of my own but I couldn't ask any because Beau spoke again.

"Did we?" he asked and his finger was pointing at me and then back at him and I pretty much understood what he meant.

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