2| Unforeseen Connections.

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Chapter Two:Unforeseen Connections

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Chapter Two:
Unforeseen Connections.

The address Sriya had given seemed all too familiar to Shubman. The streets felt like a maze of memories as he navigated towards the destination. He couldn't shake off the disbelief lingering in his mind about Sriya's claim of being KL Rahul's sister.

"We're almost there," Shubman remarked, his tone still carrying a hint of skepticism.

Sriya nodded, a playful glint in her eyes. "You still don't believe me, do you?" she teased, enjoying Shubman's uncertainty.

Shubman chuckled, unable to completely dismiss her words despite his doubts. "I've been to this place multiple times." he admitted, a furrow forming on his brow.

Shubman parked the car, turning to face Sriya. "Here we are." he said, a tinge of reluctance coloring his voice.

Sriya glanced at him, her gaze softening. "Thank you for being my late-night chauffeur." she quipped, her tone laced with gratitude.

"It was my pleasure." Shubman replied, a genuine smile gracing his face.

As they stepped out of the car, Shubman offered his hand to help Sriya, a gesture she accepted gracefully. The midnight air carried a faint chill, prompting Sriya to pull the oversized sweater closer around her.

They walked towards the house, the porch lights illuminating their path. Sriya had already rang the doorbell.

Just as Shubman was about to bid farewell, the door swung open, revealing KL Rahul himself, a quizzical look on his face.

"Hey, bro! What brings you here at this hour?" KL Rahul greeted, a hint of surprise in his voice.

Shubman cleared his throat, slightly taken aback by the unexpected encounter. "I, uh, found someone who needed a ride home," he explained, gesturing towards Sriya.

KL Rahul's eyes shifted to Sriya, recognition dawning on his face. "Sriya! What in the world..." he began, interrupted by his wife, Athiya, who emerged from the house.

Athiya, sensing the late hour and Sriya's condition, intervened. Athiya's warm smile greeted them. "Oh, it's late! Come in, both of you. Sriya, I'll get you something for that hangover," she offered with concern.

Shubman hesitated, feeling a bit out of place. KL Rahul noticed and extended an invitation. "Stay for the night, Shubman. It's too late for you to head back." he insisted.

"Umm. KL bhai." He started.

"Is she really your sister?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's my cousin and Athiya's bestfriend. Sriya Shetty." Rahul confirmed.

"Now come in Shubman." Rahul said.

Reluctantly, Shubman accepted the unexpected hospitality, his mind filled with questions about Sriya's connection to KL Rahul and the mysteries of the night that unfolded.

Reluctantly, Shubman accepted the unexpected hospitality, his mind filled with questions about Sriya's connection to KL Rahul and the mysteries of the night that unfolded

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Hey Guys,
Here's the second Chapter of the story.

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See you soon!

~yours author, Sonakshi.

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