16| Shubman's Heartstrings.

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Chapter sixteen: Shubman's Heartstrings

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Chapter sixteen: Shubman's Heartstrings.

Shubman found himself in the middle of a mental storm, torn between his feelings for Sriya and his determination to not risk their friendship. The echoes of Virat's advice lingered, urging him to distance himself for the sake of clarity.

Meanwhile, a new addition entered the team's circle. Kartik Malhotra, the freshly appointed nutritionist, brought a new dynamic to the squad. As the team gathered for practice, Kartik's presence caught Shubman's attention. He noticed the ease with which Sriya engaged in conversation with Kartik, and the comfort they shared was unmistakable.

"Hey, Sriya, you seem to know Kartik pretty well." Shubman casually remarked, joining the conversation while internally battling his own emotions.

Sriya smiled, nodding at Shubman. "Yeah, we go way back. Kartik and I were at university together in London. It's been years!"

Shubman's eyebrows raised in surprise, curiosity dancing in his eyes. He had never heard about this friendship before. He observed Kartik, a well-built guy with an affable smile, striking up conversations with the players and the support staff effortlessly. Shubman couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty. He wondered how this connection from Sriya's past might affect their present dynamic.

As practice continued, Shubman couldn't shake off the nagging thought of Kartik's presence potentially altering things between him and Sriya. The inner turmoil only intensified, clouding his mind and heart with more confusion than ever before.


Virat and Anushka had called Shubman for a dinner, with moreover an intention of speaking with him about his feelings. The air was tense with his palpable anxiety.

"Shubman, what's been on your mind lately?" Virat's soothing voice filled the room.

Shubman fidgeted nervously before speaking up, "I've been struggling, Virat Bhai. With Sriya. I can't shake off these feelings, yet I'm terrified of commitment."

Anushka's warm gaze was fixed on him, "You like her, don't you?"

Shubman nodded, "More than I've ever liked someone before. But I'm scared I'll hurt her. I've always distanced myself from commitments."

Virat leaned forward, "Distancing yourself won't solve it, Shubman. I did advise you to take a step back, but that was to help you sort your feelings. You can't let fear dictate your heart."

Shubman sighed, "I know, but I'm lost. I've never felt like this. Sriya's special, she's different."

Anushka placed a hand on his, "Don't let fear sabotage something beautiful. Be honest with her, Shubman. Tell her what you feel."

Virat added, "Commitment doesn't have to be scary. Take it one step at a time. You'll know when it feels right."

"Virat bhai, Nush Bhabhi... there's something else," Shubman began, his voice hesitant.

"Kartik Malhotra, our team's new Nutritionist. He's Sriya's friend from university."

Anushka furrowed her brows, "Is that causing any trouble?"

Shubman's uncertainty was evident, "It's confusing. When I see Sriya around Kartik, their friendship... it makes me question things. I can't help but wonder if there's something between them."

Virat observed Shubman's troubled expression, "And that bothers you?"

Shubman sighed, "It does. I've never felt this way about anyone, but I'm afraid. I don't want to be just another missed opportunity for her, especially if she's moved on."

Anushka offered a reassuring smile, "Trust your instincts, Shubman. If Sriya is the one who matters, your connection will surpass any doubts."

Virat added, "Don't let uncertainties cloud your feelings. Talk to Sriya, express your thoughts. That's the only way forward."

Shubman nodded, trying to absorb their advice, "Thank you both. I needed to hear this."


Sriya sat in the cozy café, the aroma of coffee lingering in the air. With a furrowed brow, she traced the rim of her cup, the swirling liquid mirroring the whirlwind of emotions within her. Aditi and Trisha, her closest friends, sat across from her, their expressions shifting between concern and understanding.

"I don't know what's happening," Sriya began, her voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. "Shubman's been distant lately."

Aditi leaned forward, her eyes reflecting empathy, "Have you tried talking to him about it?"

Sriya sighed, a mix of frustration and apprehension evident in her demeanor. "I haven't. I don't want to push him away further. But it's hard, you know? Feeling him slipping away when he's been such an integral part of my life."

Trisha nodded in understanding, her voice reassuring, "Maybe he's going through something. Sometimes people need their space to figure things out."


In the dead of night, Shubman found himself ensnared in a haunting dream. The darkness enveloped him as Sriya's voice echoed with haunting clarity.

"So, am I just another girl dreaming about you? Just your fan and nothing more? Or perhaps I'm just your side chick."

The words reverberated within him, like an eerie echo in a cavernous space. Shubman awoke with a jolt, his chest heaving, his breaths shallow. Beads of sweat adorned his forehead, his mind riddled with the remnants of the disquieting dream.

 Beads of sweat adorned his forehead, his mind riddled with the remnants of the disquieting dream

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Hey Guys,
Here's the sixteen Chapter of the story.

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~yours author, Sonakshi.

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