51| Jealousy, Jealousy.

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Chapter Fifty One: Jealousy, Jealousy

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Chapter Fifty One: Jealousy, Jealousy.

As the interview with Zahira Ali, a sports writer, progressed, Sriya watched from the sidelines, her jaw clenched with suppressed frustration. Zahira's subtle flirting with Shubman didn't go unnoticed by Sriya, fueling the flames of jealousy within her.

Ishan, sensed her discomfort. He stood beside her, playfully teasing, hoping to ease her tension.

"Jealous, are we?" Ishan teased with a mischievous grin, noticing Sriya's nails digging into his arms.

Sriya shot him a sharp look, her frustration evident. "I'm not jealous," she retorted, her voice tinged with a hint of irritation.

Ishan chuckled, sensing the underlying tension. "Sure, sure," he teased, trying to diffuse the situation.

Meanwhile, Zahira continued her interview, her focus predominantly on Shubman, her admiration palpable in her flirtatious tone. Shubman, though polite and professional, remained unaware of Sriya's mounting jealousy.

As the interview concluded, Zahira, with a subtle yet flirtatious smile directed at Shubman, leaned slightly closer and said in a low, teasing tone, "You know, Shubman, they say cricket isn't the only thing you excel at. You seem to have mastered stealing hearts too."

Her statement further fueled Sriya's frustration. Sriya, her nails digging deeper into Ishan's arm in a burst of jealousy, unintentionally elicited a loud yelp from him, catching everyone's attention.

Ishan winced, trying to stifle the sudden burst of pain. "Ouchhhhh!" he exclaimed, his voice unintentionally echoing in the room.

Sriya's eyes widened in alarm as she realized the attention they drew. Her frustration momentarily shifted to concern for Ishan, who was now rubbing his arm, trying to soothe the pain.

Shubman, sensing the tension, turned his gaze towards Sriya and Ishan, his brow furrowed in concern. "What happened?" he inquired, noticing Ishan's discomfort.

Ishan, still wincing, whispered slowly in a voice only audible to Sriya standing. "Your girlfriend here has the grip of a vice."

"Nothing, you continue SHUBMAN." Ishan answered.

Sriya felt a mixture of embarrassment and guilt wash over her, realizing her reaction had caused a scene. "I-I'm sorry, Ishan," she apologized, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

Ishan grinned, despite the lingering discomfort. "It's alright. Just be careful with those nails," he quipped, trying to diffuse the tension with humor.

As Zahira concluded her interview and left, Ishan's sudden yelp drew curious glances from the rest of the team. They gathered around, asking about the reason behind his unexpected scream.

Rohit, with a playful grin, nudged Ishan. "What happened, man? Did you see a ghost?"

Ishan tried to suppress a smile, stealing a quick glance at Sriya, who shot him a pleading look, silently urging him not to reveal anything.

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