12| Rahiya and the Diary.

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Chapter twelve: Rahiya and the Diary

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Chapter twelve: Rahiya and the Diary.

Sriya, exuding a blend of excitement and anticipation, approached Athiya and KL Rahul in the living room. The request to hang out with Shubman was a pivotal moment, a decision that would possibly nudge the invisible threads of emotions between her and Shubman into view.

"Hey, Athiya Bhabhi, Rahul bhai. Do you mind if I spend some time with Shubman tomorrow?"

Her inquiry hung in the air, carrying a hidden weight behind it. Athiya exchanged a subtle glance with KL, a silent conversation passing between them, their thoughts aligning as they understood the implications of Sriya's request.

"Sure, Sriya. You should definitely go. It's good to spend time with friends." Athiya said.

As Sriya joyously exited as she left towards her room. Athiya turned to KL, concern etched on her face.

"Rahul, have you noticed the change in Sriya since she's been around Shubman?" Athiya asked her husband.

"Absolutely. She's been more lively and spirited lately." He replied.

A moment of contemplative silence passed between the two as they grappled with the realization that Sriya's feelings might extend beyond mere friendship.

"Maybe we should talk to her about this. Ask her directly." KL suggested

"No, that might make her retreat into herself. We need to handle this delicately." Athiya said.

The dilemma hung heavily between them. But suddenly, a flicker of realization crossed KL's face.

"Wait, Sriya has a diary. She writes everything in there. Her thoughts, her feelings..."

"Yes! Maybe she's written about this too." Athiya got a hope after saying this.

Their eyes met, a silent agreement forming as they decided to navigate the labyrinth of Sriya's emotions delicately, using her diary as a guide.

In Sriya's room, the diary lay untouched, a testament to her innermost thoughts. KL and her did not want to interfere in Sriya's privacy by checking her diary but they had no ways, and it was something they were doing for her, she wasn't just KL's cousin sister, she was like their own child to them. After the death of Sriya's parents, KL and Athiya were the only people whom Sriya could say her family had.

Athiya picked it up, her fingers brushing over the weathered cover as she hesitated for a moment before gently flipping through its pages. Sriya had wrote Many about Shubman.

About the day she first met him, she wrote how grateful it was of him to drop a drunk her home. She also write about them becoming good friends. She wrote about how she broke down in front of him that day unable to carry the sorrow of her parents death anniversary, and how he consoled her and said that she is not alone she has him with her always.

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