50| Some Media Attention.

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Chapter fifty: Some Media Attention

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Chapter fifty: Some Media Attention.

In the cozy comfort of their home, sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the living room. Sriya, with a hopeful sparkle in her eyes, turned to Shubman as they lounged on the couch.

"S-Shub, can we go out today? Somewhere nice?" Sriya's voice held a gentle excitement.

Shubman's gaze softened as he observed Sriya's earnest expression. "Sure, love. Any place in mind?"

Her eyes lit up as she shared her idea. "What about Marine Drive? It's been a long time."

A smile played on Shubman's lips. "Sounds perfect. Let's make it a memorable evening."


At Marine Drive, the rhythmic sound of crashing waves filled the air as Shubman and Sriya walked along the promenade. The setting sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, casting a romantic ambiance around them.

Sriya nestled closer to Shubman, feeling the gentle breeze ruffle her hair. "This is so beautiful, Shub."

Shubman intertwined his fingers with hers. "Not as beautiful as you."

She blushed, feeling her heart flutter at his words. "Shub, can I tell you something?"

He turned to her, his eyes filled with affection. "Of course, anything."

With a hint of shyness, she whispered, "I love being with you, especially when you take charge."

Shubman's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "What do you mean...?"

Sriya nodded, a mix of vulnerability and trust in her eyes. "Yes, it's something about your nature. I feel loved and secure in it...umm I didn't specify it that day but I liked it."

Touched by her honesty, Shubman gently caressed her cheek. "I'll always cherish your trust in me. You mean everything to me."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on their faces, Shubman and Sriya found solace in each other's embrace. The backdrop of the sunset witnessed their heartfelt revelations, deepening their bond amidst the tranquil beauty of Marine Drive.


After the tour for test cricket at south Africa, Shubman and Sriya reveled in their time at the wildlife safari, capturing moments of joy and togetherness, their individual posts caught the attention of the media. Speculations and rumors about their relationship surfaced swiftly, igniting a storm on social media and in the press.

In the wake of the gossip, Shubman and Sriya found themselves at the center of public scrutiny. They exchanged concerned glances, knowing their decision to keep their relationship private would be put to the test.

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