29| Some Reunions.

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Chapter twenty nine: Some Reunions

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Chapter twenty nine: Some Reunions.

Shubman woke early, gently untangling himself from Sriya, who was still deep in slumber. Smiling at her peaceful form, he quietly readied himself for practice, choosing to skip a shower, knowing he'd be sweating it out soon anyway. He slipped on his jersey and headed off for practice.

At the grounds, joining teammates Rohit, Virat, Ishan, Shreyas, Jasprit, Hardik, and KL Rahul, the banter flowed freely.

"Morning, Shubman! Ready for another day of hard work?" KL Rahul grinned, a knowing glint in his eye.

Shubman chuckled, "Always, KL! Can't let you guys have all the fun."

Rohit, the team captain, took charge, rallying the team, "Alright, let's focus, lads. Warm-ups first, and then let's make each drill count."

Shreyas, diving for catches during fielding practice, called out, "KL, show us how it's done behind the stumps!"

KL Rahul, showcasing his wicketkeeping skills, replied, "Watch and learn, Shreyas! But remember, keep it between us."

The banter continued as each player gave their best, pushing themselves and their teammates in the friendly yet competitive atmosphere.

"Ishan, watch closely. This is how you craft those elegant shots," Rohit joked, demonstrating his batting finesse.

Ishan laughed, "Teach me your ways, Rohit bhai! I'll keep it a secret, promise."

Between drills and amidst the sounds of bat on ball and shouts of encouragement, the players shared stories and teased each other.

"Jasprit, can't you take it easy on Virat today?" Shubman quipped, watching Jasprit's fiery deliveries.

Jasprit smirked, "No chance! Gotta keep the skipper on his toes."

In the midst of the rigorous practice, the bond among these top cricketers remained intact. They pushed each other to excel, enjoying the thrill of the game while also valuing the bond that made their team feel more like a tightly-knit family.

As the practice wound down, the players sprawled on the grass, catching their breath and soaking in the camaraderie. Hardik, known for his playful nature, decided to stir up some banter.

"Hey, Shubman, check this out. All of us here are kinda committed. Me, Virat, Rohit, Rahul, Jassi, Jaddu – all married and Ishan and Shreyas are in a relationship. What about you, buddy? When are you leaving this single life?" Hardik nudged Shubman, a mischievous glint in his eye.

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