5| Dreams Here I Come.

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Chapter five: Dreams Here I Come

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Chapter five: Dreams Here I Come.

The bustling corridors of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) headquarters hummed with an air of anticipation. Sriya stepped inside the grand building, her nerves tingling with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Her qualifications and dreams converged as she prepared for the interview that could potentially shape her career.

The waiting area exuded an aura of professionalism, adorned with memorabilia showcasing India's cricketing history. Sriya took a deep breath, steadying her nerves as she awaited her turn.

"Ms. Shetty, they're ready for you," the receptionist informed, leading Sriya towards the interview room.

Inside, a panel of experts awaited her arrival. The seasoned faces of the BCCI's medical team observed her with keen interest, their scrutiny evident as they evaluated her suitability for the coveted position.

Sriya entered the impressive room, the atmosphere charged with professionalism and expertise. The panel of interviewers, adorned in formal attire, greeted her warmly as she took her seat.

"Good morning, Ms. Shetty. Thank you for joining us today," one of the interviewers greeted warmly, initiating the conversation.

"Good morning, thank you for having me." Sriya responded politely, her demeanor composed yet brimming with confidence.

The interview commenced, each question designed to gauge her expertise and suitability for the coveted role.

"Ms. Shetty, in your opinion, what are the most critical attributes a sports physiotherapist must possess?" one of the panel members inquired, observing her with keen interest.

Sriya answered with conviction, "I believe a sports physiotherapist must possess a blend of adaptability, quick decision-making, and strong communication skills. Adaptability is crucial in tailoring treatments to each athlete's unique needs. Quick decision-making helps in handling sudden injuries during intense matches. And effective communication ensures a seamless rapport within the medical team and with the players."

Impressed by her structured response, another interviewer delved deeper, "Can you provide an example where your adaptability played a key role in a challenging situation?"

Sriya nodded, recalling a specific instance from her training. "Certainly. During my internship, I encountered a player with a recurring shoulder injury. Conventional therapy wasn't yielding results. I adapted the treatment plan, incorporating innovative exercises and collaborating with specialists. This approach helped in not only relieving the pain but also improving the player's performance."

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