61| Mood Swings.

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Chapter Sixty One: Mood Swings

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Chapter Sixty One: Mood Swings.

As weeks passed, Sriya's health improved, and she was declared completely fine after thorough tests. One morning, she came down for breakfast, but there was a noticeable dullness in her demeanor. Shubman, sitting on a chair, noticed the change and couldn't help but inquire.

"Sunflower, is everything okay? You seem a bit off today."

Sriya, unable to pinpoint the reason for her dull mood, sighed, "I don't know, Shubman. Just feeling a bit dull, I guess."

Shubman, understanding her mood, gestured for her to come closer. Carefully placing her on his lap, he gently kissed her cheeks and whispered, "There, now you'll feel better. Sometimes, a little bit of love is the best remedy."

Sriya, feeling the warmth of his affection, couldn't help but smile. In that simple gesture, the dullness began to fade away, replaced by a sense of comfort and reassurance. Shubman's care became the balm that soothed the remnants of any lingering unease, creating a tender moment of connection.

Sriya rushed to the bathroom, Shubman sat there, perplexed by her abrupt departure. Concern etched across his face, he called out, "Sunflower, is everything okay?"

Sriya's response came as a quiet murmur, "Periods." Shubman, despite not entirely grasping the situation, remained remarkably calm. He waited patiently, not wanting to intrude but ready to offer support.

When Sriya returned, her face flushed with embarrassment, she avoided eye contact with Shubman. "I stained your pants, Shubman. I'm really sorry," she mumbled, feeling a mix of discomfort and regret.

Shubman, maintaining his composure, smiled gently. "Sunflower, it's okay. Don't apologize and there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Sriya, still uneasy, looked at him with a hint of surprise. "You're not upset?"

Shubman, chuckling, replied, "Not at all. Accidents happen, and it's no big deal. Besides, there are more important things to worry about than a little stain."

Sriya, appreciating his calm response, nodded. "I just didn't expect this to happen, especially sitting on your lap."

Shubman, wrapping his arms around her, reassured, "Sunflower, it's natural, and there's no need to feel embarrassed. Let's focus on making you feel comfortable. Anything you need, just let me know."

In that moment, Shubman's calm and understanding demeanor created a space of comfort for Sriya, turning what could have been an embarrassing situation into an opportunity for shared support and care.

As Sriya went to the cupboard to get new pants for Shubman, she handed them to him while he was changing. Simultaneously, she checked her section for menstrual products, only to realize she had none—no pads, no tampons, and even her menstrual cup had expired.

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