3| Ishan's New Ship.

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Chapter Three: Ishan's New Ship

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Chapter Three: Ishan's New Ship.

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow inside KL Rahul's house. Shubman woke up, the events of the previous night slowly settling into reality. He found himself in an unfamiliar room, the realization dawning that he had spent the night at his teammate's place.

As he made his way downstairs, the aroma of breakfast greeted him. The clinking of utensils hinted at someone in the kitchen. With a sense of curiosity and slight trepidation, he descended the stairs.

In the dining area, Athiya stood at the sink, rinsing dishes, a serene morning routine for her. Shubman offered a polite greeting, feeling a bit awkward about intruding on their household.

"Good morning, Athiya Bhabhi." he greeted, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Athiya turned, offering a warm smile. "Good morning, Shubman. Have a seat, breakfast is almost ready," she invited, her tone friendly and welcoming.

Shubman settled at the dining table, taking in the serene atmosphere of the morning. Athiya joined him, their conversation light and easy as they awaited the arrival of others.

Moments later, footsteps approached. Shubman looked up to see Sriya, her appearance slightly disheveled from the night before, yet radiating a vibrant energy that was hard to ignore. She paused, noticing Shubman's presence, a faint blush tinting her cheeks.

"Good morning." Sriya greeted, her voice cheerful yet carrying a hint of uncertainty.

Shubman returned the greeting with a nod, feeling a tad bit awkward in this newfound morning encounter. Ishan, Shubman's ever-eager best friend, emerged from a corridor, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Morning, folks!" Ishan yawned, his demeanor immediately breaking the ice.

"Ishan! What are you doing here?" Shubman exclaimed, his voice laced with astonishment.

Ishan grinned mischievously. "Surprise! Athiya invited me to crash here for a while. Didn't think I'd bump into you here too." he replied, clearly relishing the moment.

Shubman, still trying to process the unexpected turn of events, nodded in disbelief. "I had no idea you'd be here." he admitted, feeling a pang of bemusement.

"But how did you come here at the first place." Ishan asked.

"He came here to drop Sriya. He encountered her at midnight, it was kind enough for him to bring this drunk girl home." KL said coming and sitting on his chair smacking Sriya's head playfully.

"I didn't get drunk intentionally." She whined.

"Yeah your friends forcefully made you drink. I understand Sri." He said and chuckled.

The casual morning routine continued, engaging all five of them in casual conversation while having breakfast.

Finishing their breakfast the couple got up as Athiya had some work and Rahul recieved a phone call. Sriya too excused herself, stating she needed a quick shower.

Left alone in the dining room, Ishan's curiosity got the better of him. "Alright, spill the beans, mate. What really happened last night?" Ishan prodded, a teasing glint in his eyes.

Shubman hesitated, glancing towards the direction Sriya had taken. "It's better if she forgets," he responded cryptically, a slight unease in his voice.

Ishan raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Shubman's evasive response. "Come on, spill it! What's got you all secretive?" he insisted, his curiosity piqued.

Shubman sighed, feeling compelled to share the happenings of the previous night with his closest friend. "Fine, but keep it between us."

He began, recounting the events in detail - Sriya's playful antics, her revelation about being KL Rahul's sister.

Ishan leaned forward, a playful glint in his eyes. "Alright, details! Give me the whole scoop." he urged, eager for the tea he wanted.

Shubman hesitated for a moment, recalling the fleeting yet poignant moments from the night before.

"Okay, so there was this... moment," he began, his voice trailing off as he tried to encapsulate the essence of the encounter.

"Sriya was, well, being her usual carefree self." Shubman continued, his words careful as he recounted the scene.

"She was... a bit tipsy, I suppose. And then she mentioned seeing me play and all, making it seem like some secret." he explained, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and wonder at Sriya's candidness.

Ishan raised an eyebrow, a grin forming on his face. "You said that already go on to the next part." he encouraged, sensing there was more to the story.

Shubman hesitated, his thoughts drifting back to the moment that held an unexpected intimacy. "We were talking, and suddenly she almost stumbled. I instinctively caught her." he described, a hint of fondness in his tone.

"Under her sweatshirt... my hands," Shubman trailed off, unable to fully articulate the significance of the gesture.

Ishan's eyes widened in realization. "Ah, the classic catching-her-and-your-hands-accidentally-slipping-under-her-sweatshirt move. My New Ship!!" he teased, nudging Shubman with a playful smirk.

Shubman shook his head, attempting to downplay the significance of the gesture. "It was nothing like that! Just a fleeting moment. I, I definitely don't see her more than my teammate's sister. Atleast for now." He asserted, attempting to dispel any notions of romance. Though a part of him couldn't deny the unexpected rush of emotions during that subtle yet intimate encounter.

Their conversation continued, delving into lighter topics, but the undertone of the morning's revelations lingered, leaving Shubman grappling with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity about the events that unfolded the night before  and leaving him contemplating the complexities of the unspoken connection he shared with Sriya.

Their conversation continued, delving into lighter topics, but the undertone of the morning's revelations lingered, leaving Shubman grappling with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity about the events that unfolded the night before  and leaving him ...

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Hey Guys,
Here's the third Chapter of the story.

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See you soon!

~yours author, Sonakshi.

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