30| Official.

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Chapter thirty: Official

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Chapter thirty: Official.

Shubman gazed at Sriya, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and affection. "I was thinking about something," she began, her voice soft but resolute.

He turned to her, attentive. "And what's that?" he inquired, curious about her thoughts.

"How about making our relationship official?" Sriya proposed. "Not to the media, but to our friends and family. They deserve to know, and how long should we keep this a secret?"

He hesitated, concerned about the implications. "Are you sure? How will we handle Rahul bhai?" Shubman pondered, voicing his apprehension.

"He'll be the happiest one to know, Shub. Let's do this," Sriya reassured him, placing her hand gently on his. "This day has to come, either today or some other day."

Shubman nodded slowly, realizing the significance of her words. "Yes, you're right," he agreed, a sense of resolve settling within him. "I'll post about our relationship on my private account so our friends and family would know."

They leaned into each other, gazing at the stars, a silent acknowledgment passing between them that this decision marked a new chapter in their relationship—one that embraced openness and honesty, bringing their bond out from the shadows into the light of acceptance by those closest to them.

(Well that's his private account)
not.so.shub_man posted:

shub_man posted:

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