55| Controversy.

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Chapter Fifty Five: Controversy

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Chapter Fifty Five: Controversy.

Shubman, Shreyas, and Ishan sat on the ground after their practice, and the Ishan's manager and friend, handed them invitations to a party.

"Here you go, guys. Invitations to the party. It's going to be a blast."

Ishan, looking at the invitation, asked, "Who's hosting this shindig?"

"Riya Arora. You'll find all the details inside." The manager said.

As Shubman opened the envelope, he found stylish invitations with intricate details.

"It says we can bring our dates. Perfect chance for the girls to catch up."

Shreyas, grinning, added, "Yeah, Sriya, Trisha and Aditi are practically best friends. This is going to be fun!"

Ishan, nodding in agreement, said, "Absolutely. They'll be thrilled to attend together. Let's make it a night of good company and celebration."

The three cricketers shared a smile, excited about the prospect of an enjoyable evening with their girlfriends and the shared camaraderie among the group.

Shubman, after receiving the party invitation, decided to call Sriya and share the news. Sriya, despite not being in the best mood, answered the call.

"Hey, Sohniye! Guess what? We've been invited to a party, and we can bring our dates. It's going to be a great night!"

Sriya, trying to sound enthusiastic, replied, "Oh, that sounds nice, Shubman."

Shubman, sensing her subdued mood, asked, "Is everything okay? You sound a bit off."

"Just a long day at work, that's all. But yeah, we can go to the party. It'll be fun."

Shubman, concerned, said, "If you're not feeling up to it, we can skip it. I want you to be happy."

Sriya, managing a smile, reassured him, "No, it's okay. I want you to enjoy, and Trisha and Aditi will be there too. We'll make it a good night."

Shubman, appreciating her understanding, said, "Thanks, Sriya. You're the best. I promise we'll have a great time together."

Sriya, feeling comforted by Shubman's words, replied, "Looking forward to it."

Shubman, wanting to lift Sriya's spirits, decided to add a touch of playfulness and romance to their conversation.

"You know, even if you're not in the mood, I have a feeling you'll steal the show at the party. Everyone will be asking, 'Who's that stunning girl with Shubman?'"

Sriya, chuckling, replied, "Oh, really? I doubt that, but thanks for the sweet words."

Shubman, with a mischievous tone, continued, "And just so you know, I might have to fight off a few admirers. You're stuck with a guy who's in high demand."

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