60| Flu.

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Chapter sixty: Flu

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Chapter sixty: Flu.

In the soft glow of dawn, Shubman stirred from his slumber, greeted by the sight of Sriya peacefully asleep on the other side of the bed. A tender smile played on his lips as he marveled at the serenity that adorned her features in repose.

Instinctively drawn to her, he reached out and gently cradled her in his arms, savoring the warmth of their shared space. However, as his fingers traced the delicate contours of her face, a wave of concern washed over him. Sriya felt unusually warm.

Worry etched on his face, Shubman leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. It was then that he realized she was burning up with fever. Panic flickered in his eyes, and without a second thought, he cupped her face with his hands, checking her temperature.

Sriya stirred slightly, her eyelashes fluttering as she registered his touch. "Shubman?" she whispered, her voice weakened by illness.

"You're burning up, Sunflower," he murmured, his concern palpable. "I'll get you some medicine. We need to bring down this fever."

As he rushed to fetch the necessary supplies, a newfound urgency gripped the room. The once tranquil morning transformed into a canvas painted with worry and care.

With a small medical box in hand, Shubman returned to Sriya's side, determination etched on his face. He gently coaxed her into taking the thermometer, but Sriya, still half-asleep, tried to brush it off with a feeble protest. "It's nothing, Shubman, just a little fatigue," she insisted.

However, Shubman's worry refused to be placated. With a tender smile, he continued his gentle insistence, "Sriya. Let's make sure you're alright."

After what felt like an eternity, he checked the temperature. His expression shifted from reassurance to deep concern. "Sriya, your fever is really high. We need to get you some medicine and see a doctor."

Sriya, now more alert to the gravity of the situation, managed a weak smile, "It's probably just a fever. I'll be fine."

Shubman, however, wasn't convinced. "Sunflower, we don't take chances with your health. Let me take care of you," he said, his voice a soothing balm despite the underlying worry.

As Shubman handed Sriya a paracetamol, he swiftly dialed the family doctor, the urgency evident in his voice.

As the call connected, Shubman briefly explained the situation, "Doctor Verma, its me Shubman Gill."

"Yes Mr. Gill what happened, are you all good?!" The doctor asked.

"Sir it's Sriya, she's running a high fever, and I've given her paracetamol, but I'm really worried. Can we get an appointment?"

The doctor, a reassuring voice on the other end, calmly inquired about Sriya's symptoms and her recent activities.

Shubman provided the necessary details, "She's been feeling fatigued, body ache, and the fever just shot up. We're keeping an eye on it. Temperature is 102 degrees Fahrenheit."

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