58| Lazy Sunday.

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Chapter Fifty Eight: Lazy Sunday

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Chapter Fifty Eight: Lazy Sunday.

The Sunday morning unfolded in a relaxed manner, with Sriya finding herself a bit bored. She decided to entertain herself by sitting on the spinning chair at the bar area of their home.

Watching Shubman diligently cleaning his cricket equipment, she sighed, feeling a tad restless. In an attempt to amuse herself, she spun on the chair, making playful "weee wee" sounds.

Shubman, glancing over at her antics, chuckled at the carefree display. "You're having too much fun over there, Sunflower."

Sriya grinned and replied, "Well, someone has to bring some excitement to this cleaning routine. How long will you take, Shubman?"

Shubman, with a playful smile, responded, "Almost done. Just a few more things to sort out."

Sriya, still spinning on the chair, continued with her playful sounds, creating a light and cheerful atmosphere in the room. The lazy Sunday morning became a canvas for their shared moments, filled with laughter and the simple joy of being together.

"Shuuubmaaaan, I am getting boreeeeedddd," Sriya whined in a playful baby voice.

Shubman, smiling at her antics, looked up from his cricket gear and said, "Well, Sunflower, Ishan and Shreyas are visiting us today, so you won't get bored."

Sriya's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really? That's awesome! I missed hanging out with them."

Shubman nodded, "Yep, they should be here in a little while. Now, stop spinning on that chair and help me set up for their visit."

Sriya hopped off the chair with newfound enthusiasm. "Alright, let's make it a fun day then!"

As they prepared for the visit, the anticipation of friends coming over added a lively energy to the Sunday morning. The mundane chores transformed into a shared activity, setting the stage for a day filled with laughter, camaraderie, and the warmth of friendship.

Shubman opened the door as the bell rang, welcoming Shreyas and Ishan into the house. The panic on their friends' faces was evident.

Sriya quickly brought glasses of water for both of them, and with concern, they inquired about the reason behind their distress.

Shreyas and Ishan, still catching their breath, urged Shubman and Sriya to check the news on social media. The couple exchanged puzzled glances and quickly pulled up their phones.

To their surprise, a series of innocent dance moves from their Sunday morning routine had been captured by cameras. The news didn't stop there – the cameras had also managed to capture a kissing scene from the previous night's party, adding an unexpected spice to their otherwise ordinary moments.

Sriya's eyes widened, and Shubman's jaw dropped as they processed the unexpected turn of events. Shreyas and Ishan, now regaining composure, burst into laughter.

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