46| Misunderstandings.

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Chapter Forty Six: Misunderstandings

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Chapter Forty Six: Misunderstandings.

Sriya immersed herself in her work at the men's team cabin, focusing on aligning the dietary plans with the physiotherapy schedules. Her concentration was disrupted when Kartik, the nutritionist, entered her cabin, holding out a new diet plan he'd designed for her.

"Here, I've adjusted this according to your schedule," Kartik mentioned, offering the diet plan to Sriya.

As they discussed the details, Kartik's eyes inadvertently fell upon something on Sriya's neck. Curiosity sparked in his gaze as he noticed a mark. "Is that a...?" he started, his tone hesitant.

Sriya swiftly interrupted, a calm yet dismissive smile on her face. "Oh, it's just a mosquito bite from last night," she casually brushed it off, hoping to steer the conversation away from further scrutiny.

Kartik raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued but choosing not to press further. "Alright then, make sure to follow the plan. It'll help you maintain the energy levels during the sessions," he advised before exiting her cabin.

Sriya was engrossed in her work when she felt the warmth of Shubman's presence behind her. His familiar scent filled the air as he nestled his head against her neck, wrapping her in a comforting back hug.

"Hey, I'm done with practice," Shubman murmured softly, his warm breath tickling her skin. "I'll be waiting for you at home."

Sriya smiled, enjoying the feeling of his embrace. "Alright, I'll wrap things up here and join you soon," she replied, turning slightly to look at him over her shoulder.

Shubman grinned, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek before pulling away. "Can't wait," he said, giving her a playful wink before leaving her cabin.

Sriya chuckled at his playful nature, feeling a surge of warmth and love. She watched him leave, savoring the sweet moment they shared amidst their busy schedules.

Kartik couldn't shake off the discomfort that gnawed at him after witnessing Shubman and Sriya's intimate moment. A deep frown etched onto his face as he paced back to his cabin, his mind swirling with thoughts and plans.

Sitting at his desk, Kartik brooded over his growing resentment towards their relationship. He'd harbored feelings for Sriya since their university days, but seeing her with Shubman only intensified his jealousy and frustration.

His mind raced with strategies to drive a wedge between them, a malicious plan taking shape in his thoughts. He knew he had to act subtly, planting seeds of doubt and distrust without raising any suspicion.

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