32| Old School Date.

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Chapter thirty two: Old School Date

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Chapter thirty two: Old School Date.

As the sun began its descent behind the scenic mountains of Himachal, Sriya turned to Shubman with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"Sriya," Shubman inquired, catching her playful expression, "what's on your mind?"

"I was thinking," Sriya began, a hint of nostalgia in her voice, "how about an old school date? No fancy restaurants or extravagant plans. Just something simple and classic."

Shubman, pleasantly surprised by Sriya's proposal, chuckled. "I didn't know you were an old school lover."

"Sometimes, simplicity holds its own charm," Sriya replied with a smile. "But only if you're up for it. If not, no worries."

Shubman, touched by Sriya's suggestion, nodded. "If that's what you want, I'm in! Give me a moment. I'll research some places we could go."

Shubman, eager to make this old school date memorable, grabbed his phone and started scouring the internet. He delved into the local archives, seeking quaint and serene spots that echoed the simplicity Sriya yearned for.

After a series of searches and reviews, he stumbled upon a picturesque tea estate nestled amidst the hills. Its rustic charm and serene surroundings seemed perfect for their old school date.

He jotted down the details and location, envisioning the ambiance and tranquility it could offer. Satisfied with his discovery, Shubman awaited Sriya's readiness, excited to embark on this nostalgic journey with her.

As the soft golden rays of the setting sun cast a gentle glow on the Himachal landscape, Sriya emerged from her room, adorned in a graceful white kurta embellished with delicate blue patterns, accentuated by a matching dupatta draping elegantly over her shoulders. Her choice of attire exuded simplicity and elegance, accentuating her natural charm.

With a silver nose ring adorning her features and subtle silver earrings glinting in the light, she wore her hair in a simple ponytail, adding a touch of understated sophistication to her ensemble. Sriya stepped out, her eyes alive with anticipation and a hint of nervousness, seeking Shubman's opinion on her appearance.

"How do I look?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and curiosity.

Shubman, momentarily struck by her ethereal beauty, struggled to find words before finally managing to utter, "Like a fairy descended from the clouds."

Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue at the compliment. Just as she was about to thank him, Shubman gently interjected, "Wait a second." With a gentle tug, he undid her ponytail, allowing her hair to cascade freely, framing her face like a halo. "Now it's perfect," he remarked with a tender smile. "I like it when you keep them open."

Sriya's heart fluttered at his words, a shy smile gracing her lips in response. "Where are we headed?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"We're off to the Tabo monastery and then to Kotwali bazaar," Shubman revealed, a spark of excitement in his eyes. Sensing her query, he added, "Yes, I've been there on match tours before."

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